Sep 03, 2005 14:29

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1) Does andreww32 travel a lot? He's been to the south
2) Does faerymay smoke? Nope
3) Are flashhackney and thewenzer going out? Nope. They can't even come to terms on Rock, Paper, Sissors
4) Where would shortyen421 most like to visit? LA again, I'd imagine
5) Does xoxhollyhox have a big secret? currently? probably not
6) Does kim_jong_il__ have a crush on princessnicole5? Dear god, I hope so.
7) How would threemilesdown kill xoxhollyhox? With kindness
8) How tall is efahern? Ed Ahern big. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. He's not small. No, No, No
9) When did you last call faerymay? I don't think I even have her number
10) Would thebase and moonlite_dancer look good together? Not really.
11) Does superpresto do drugs? Alcohol is a drug. Jeager is definately a drug.
12) shortyen421's eye color? Brown, I think, but I could be wrong
13) Have you flirted with moonlite_dancer? In jest, and in plays.
14) If flashhackney took over the world, who would suffer? People who hate puns
15) What would jeffconway think of moonlite_dancer? They're good friends
16) What is flashhackney's favorite color? Why is liz all over this survey?
17) Are thewenzer and faerymay going steady? Don't know each other.
18) Is princessnicole5 a high school student? nope, she's still too young, though
19) What do you agree with efahern about? I like his positive attitude.
20) What is xoxhollyhox's favorite band/artist? At the moment, I dunno. Something indie/emoish
21) Is faerymay dead sexy? She's a cutie
22) What would you do if you found out princessnicole5 has a crush on you? WE ALL KNEW IT WOULD COME TO THIS!!!
23) Thoughts on moonlite_dancer? One of the best people I've ever known
24) Do you think tresjoliecoco is hot? hell yes
25) What flavor of jello would kim_jong_il__ be? he'd be rice pudding
26) Is butterflyr1 an emo? nope
27) Does theplebeian have a dog? not that i know of
28) Are princessnicole5 and threemilesdown married? don't know each other
29) How long have you known faerymay? we've mixed social circles for a year or two now
30) How long would andreww32 dating xoxhollyhox last? 4 minutes
31) What comic book character would faerymay be? michelle is all over this survey too. Whoosh, she'd be storm
32) What exotic animal would superpresto like as a pet? Robin
33) What is moonlite_dancer's favorite game? I think she's a Cranium kind of girl
34) What mental disorder does one_red_boot remind you of? Sassyphrenia
35) Do threemilesdown and dragonborn go to the same school? nope
36) Have you ever dated butterflyr1? nope
37) What is teboshow's favorite movie? Star Wars, LotR, or something with zombies
38) Is dragonborn 1337? teh 13373zt. h3 pwns ur boxor
39) Does kim_jong_il__ drink? yeah, why not
40) What word best describes superpresto? chipper
41) What would butterflyr1 do differently in your shoes? dance better
42) What color should butterflyr1 dye their hair? i wouldn't
43) If little_she_bear and andreww32 were spliced together, what would be its name? Ursalanrew
44) One thing you can't stand about one_red_boot? She has a cool John Lennon shirt that I wish I had.
45) Is teboshow related to you? Like a brother
46) Do you have jeffconway's screenname? yes
47) If xoxhollyhox and flashhackney were siamese twins, where would they be joined? this is the worst question
48) If yes_lets had a superpower, what would it be? scorching wit. she would seriously just make criminals laugh or cry too hard to do anything
49) What song/movie would you recommend to threemilesdown? Fog of War... then he could tell me if its good. which i think it is.
50) Is dragonborn popular? Yeah... TO NERDS!!1 PWNED!!1
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