Mar 12, 2005 21:03
Okay today i woke up fricken early to leave katie's house.. I got home nd watched sum movies nd got a call frum my grandma. She's like ur g- grandama has high blood pressure nd is close to dying...So my mom got ready to go nd see her. But in the meantime my grandma went into shock. All my family nd there dog r there right now, nd my g- grandma is like 86 pounds cus she hasn't ate hardly ne thing in tha last 2 weeks..I wanted to go see my g- grandma cus i'm pretty close to her nd i'm the only grandkid she gives money nd cards fer my bday. Cus she knos me the most out of all the rest of my cousins nd shit. It's ganna be hard if she dies nd i'm not there. Dear jesus. then my dad was being a ass like always nd decided he didn't wanna have to take em to this bday party. He wanted to make my mom take my sis wen she was going to see her dying grandma.. My mom kind of bitched him out nd now my dad's pissed off at my mom.. So that's how that went. Wen my mom left i had to find sumwhere to go tonite cus she's staying with my g-ma..Nd my dad's not ganna be home either, So now i'm at kierstens house. Whatever i'm done goin over this again..Later