What is your new years resolution?

Dec 30, 2006 22:01

My new years resolution is to get laid.


I know thats a pathetic resolution but w/e. Its been long enough (Im getting old) and Im sick of hearing about peoples sexual encounters. It makes me sad and jealous sometimes.

Like this post here http://community.livejournal.com/thequestionclub/16097831.html
The question was,"When was the last time you had tremendously good sex? Why was it good?"


My other resolutions are:
1. Take my certification state board exam in May and pass so I can be ~certified~ to work in a hospital.
2. Move out.
3. Possibly move out of Ohio. Somewhere maybe warm all year long. I dunno. I might stay here. The job market isnt bad in columbus and well the weather hasnt rly been cold. Global warming.
4. Find a decent man. The man of my dreams *yeah right*
5. Be fit and toned for the summer
6. Meet new people
7. Go on a road trip. I always wanted to travel across the united states. Doubt it will happen though.
8. Buy a kitten or puppy. Im not allergic to cats anymore. Isnt that weird?
9. Go to another country besides Canada but Im scared of planes :-(. I never been on one.
10. Visit California. Never been there but I have family members there.
11. Have a decent job and a career.
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