
Apr 09, 2009 12:15

I don't have pictures for them all, but I can remember every birthday since 18. Before that it is a bit blurry. Some have photos, some don't. So here I will tell you of my birthdays...

Ahh, the famous 18th birthday. I went to the Church for the first time with then best friends Robin and Vincent and Omega who was still very new to me. I danced, I laughed, I cried, and I did it all sober. Back when I wore heels like EVERYWHERE. hah.


This birthday to be honest is a bit hazy. If anyone does remember let me know. hah.


My sister-in-law at the time bought me a cake and Nichole and I blew the candles out. :) There was not much else done.


Hah. This was the birthday I went to the Church and got PLASTERED! There are pictures none online though. If you were there you know it was INSANE! Oh this was the year the kids made me an actual mud pie with dandelion candles. hah.


Birthday at the Bull and Bush. I was drunk before the sun went down. hah. Erinn made me wings. Don't remember much else. Many photos not online, but all of me looking like a red haired idiot. lol. Crooked glasses and all.


Nothing to big. I had moved back from Austin and was heart broken. I dressed up and went to the Church.


I tried to throw a party and no one showed. Well a few did, but I was such a drama queen back then. Plus I didn't really have any friends due to my own issues. I said I'd never do it again! LMAO No photos. But I did puke on the table at the Lounge at Inwood. lol


The party of CRAZY! We had my party at Caves that year. It seemed EVERYONE was there. People I didn't even know I invited. It got a bit out of hand, but was fun. It was the first party of success.


The birthday to top all birthdays! Mark talked Matt into dressing as Elvis...which was dubbed Melvis or Dirty Elvis. hah. I had the best birthday. My bunny ears were on backwards and crooked by the end of the night. In return I dressed as Elvis for Matt's birthday that year. Which made that the year of the Elvis's..hah.


Last year I needed a break from the bars. The night before my birthday I toasted in my birthday at midnight with Jenny and Omega and mark. Then My birthday was spent at home with family. It was a wonderful family birthday. Then Scarby the next day. Very mellow.

This year who knows. But Ever since Mark moved to Fort Worth I have had the best of times. Of course we aren't mentioning the bad or the birthday curse.
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