Jun 14, 2004 17:54
well thast it. its over. im not graduating on stage. i mite have had a chnace but the skool is saying my appointment has to be at 11:00 am and my mom nad dad cant get off work. and its not fair. it really sux. i really wouldve expected my mom to be there and go, but no. anyways, i asked if i could watch my frineds grad. on stage... and they still said no. so basically.... i dono. y mom said it woudl eb too painful for her to watch. this whole sitaution sux. iw rote that paper fro nothing. i got reccomendations.. for nothing. i improved myself... fro nothing. god. this sux so bad. and theres nothing i can do about it. fuk skool. fuk my life. fuk it all. thast my new motto. i bet u all agree. u guys have no idea. xoxo