Woe! Woe! Woe is me!
Even though, having read the first book of the Southern Vampire series, I know what happens with the cliffhanger of episode 1x07, but I'm still dying not being able to see tonight's episode now! I wish I had HBO. It takes way to long for each new episode to hit the intarwebs.
So, in order to kill time, I have been avidly reading
passiveaggressivenotes.com - and it is hilarious. Seriously, some of those are absolutely brilliant, whereas others are absolutely ridiculous.
Yesterday [Saturday] Rachel and I went to this massive book sale that they were having at our local public library. When we met up there, she gave me a box of giant strawberry Pocky that she'd gotten from this one Chinese market she went to earlier. [I've only ever had the chocolate kind before. These turned out a tad stale, but I think they're awesome anyway and will totes be keeping the pretty box where the ingredients and such are all written in Chinese characters.] I made a couple of purchases, including two Folger Library Shakespeares. I love the Folger Library editions, because they are heavily annotated - each page has a page opposite it featuring the annotations for the page it is facing - if that made sense. I already had a copy of Othello from the Folger Library, and now I have added Hamlet and The Taming of the Shrew to my collection. I had hoped to find a book of Shakespeare's sonnets while there, but alas, I did not. My curiousity was piqued when my English teacher told us - in an intro to sonnets of sorts - that the first 15 [I think] of Shakespeare's sonnets are sometimes pointed to as evidince to the fact that he may have been gay. Naturally I decided then and there that I had to read them and see for myself. Next time I'm at Borders, I'll have to find his sonnets and sit down with them, a notebook, and a cup of coffee.
I also got two other things from the sale. One of them is a very old book, published in 1942, called 2500 Jokes for All Occasions by Powers Moulton. On a whim I picked it up and opened it to a random page. And I was stunned. The top of the page read "Negro Jokes". I am so not kidding. There was an entire section of it. Upon going to the index, I saw that there were also sections on: "Jewish Jokes," "Irish Jokes," "Scotch Jokes," "English Jokes," and "Swedish Jokes". Each of these sections features the most racist, stereotypical images of all these peoples imaginable. I bring you an excerpt from the "Negro Jokes" section so you can see just what I mean.
Joshua - "Ah's in de food business now."
Caleb - "Which end oh de food business?"
Joshua - "Ah's in de consumin' end - de eating part."
Magistrate - "Well, Mose, I see you're back for fighting with your wife. Liquor again?"
Mose - "No sah, Jedge, she licked me dis time."
It's.. astounding. I'm flashing back to Huckleberry Finn. Upon seeing all this, I remembered another incident, in a used book shop back in Maryland. I was with my mom and sister, and we came across a children's book. I forget what it was called, but I remember that it was mind-bogglingly racist. My mother said she remembered that book from her childhood in South Africa. My sister chimed in that one of her professors at college collected old books like that, and that they were worth quite a lot of money now. We didn't get the book then, and I don't know to this day if it really was worth anything. But this book was only a dollar [hardback], and so I figured, "Why not?" If it's not worth anything, I can always just throw it right out or give it to some collector. If it is worth something, that's wonderful. Now just to find a dealer in books of this sort..
The last thing I got at the book sale.. It cracked me up so hard when I saw it. It's a DVD. Scientology: An Overview. Yeah, that's right. I found an indoctrination video. The blurb on the front of the box proclaims: "including a biographical presentation on the life of L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of the Scientology Religion". The back says:
It is the only major new religion to have emerged in the 20th Century. It is growing at an incredible rate. People from all walks of life use it every day. Its followers number in the millions. What is Scientology?
Scientology: An Overview presents more than 80 videos describing the basic beliefs and practices of the Scientology religion. It further presents the many humanitarian programs sponsored by the Church to address drug abuse, illiteracy, human rights, disaster relief, and more. then too, as an understanding of any religion requires an understanding of its Founder, we additionally present a concise biographical documentary on the life of Scientology's Founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
And there are pictures of nature and children and happy people. The packaging hasn't even been opened. I knew I had to buy it, for the lulz. Rachel said she wanted to borrow it, because she actually doesn't know that much about Scientology. I told her I'd be happy to - on the condition that she reads around on
Xenu.net first. So she's prepared. I consider myself safe from the brainwashing because I've read so much on Xenu.net and its affiliated sites. I would not want anyone to risk their sanity without the same preparations.
I haven't watched it yet, but oh my lawd, it will be hilarious when I do. I fully expect I will need to pause it multiple times because I won't be able to hear it past my laughter.
After the book sale, Rachel and I went to this one tea cafe. I had this fried tofu dish that was pretty good and a caramel frappachino thing with ice cream in it that was even better. Rachel had blueberry tea with boba in it and.. some noodle-y dish I can't remember the name of. My knowledge of Chinese food pretty much consists of sweet and sour chicken, egg rolls, and fortune cookies. After we finished our food and drinks, we walked around in the strip mall area outside the cafe while we waited for my mom to arrive to take us to the mall. [I can't wait to get my license. In December, my sister will be off our car insurance and so we'll be able to afford to put me on it. Even then I'll have to share my dad's car, but I'll have considerably more freedom.] We took a bunch of random pictures, announcing, "I am doing art!" We also posed for some emoscene pictures, in which I looked brain-dead. At the mall, we walked through a couple different clothing stores and popped into Claire's and Hot Topic to check out their jewelry. I also wanted to see if Hot Topic had any affordable cat ears and a tail to add to my lolcat costume for Halloween. I saw a couple options, but I'm not sure about them. I also saw a couple of tops in Forever 21 that I love, so I'll probably go back to the mall with my mom tomorrow and see what we can work out. On the way out of the mall Rachel and I split a cookie, and then my mom arrived to drive Rachel back to her place. I was pretty exhausted by the time I got home, as I'm not used to actually having a life. So I pretty much just ate dinner and then crashed.
And today I slept. And slept. And sleeeept. And somehow I'm still tired now, even though I slept so long all day.
Next True Blood episode still not up. Argh! It probably won't be until tomorrow night. Le sigh. Oh well - may as well get some sleep.