Mar 31, 2008 00:19
Okay, so I recently came across this series, the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, which came to me recommended by the wonderful and talented mistful! The first book, "A Great and Terrible Beauty", was excellent. I bought it with another book, "The Accidental Werewolf". After reading "A Great and Terrible Beauty", I really did intend to read "The Accidental Werewolf". I was a few pages in, then I put it down and said, "No. I need the next Gemma Doyle book, and I need it NOW!"
So quickly did I run to Barnes & Noble, where I proceeded to run in frantic circles, sputtering, "They wouldn't! They wouldn't dare!" My mother found me, and I bemoaned my situation - they had the first and the third books, but not the second. After another circuit of the entire store, we went to find a cashier person to look it up and see if they had any of the second book - "Rebel Angels" - in the store. He told us they got a shipment two days ago, but that they may not be unpacked yet. As he went to the back room to see, I told my mom, "This is the problem with new books. Even if you think they are the most utterly important thing in the world and must be put out immediately, not everyone agrees with you." You see, I've had this problem with Barnes & Noble before, when "Tangled Webs", the new Black Jewels book came out. Then, too, I had to send someone to the back room to retrieve a copy for me. Alas, the cashier person couldn't find "Rebel Angels". He told me it may be in a box somewhere. I was inwardly fuming when he offered to order it for me. Was he mad?! Could he not tell I had to have this book RIGHT THIS INSTANT?! So with a sniff and perhaps a flip of my hair, I informed him, "No, it's fine, we'll just go to Borders." Pwned.
So to Borders we flew, and there we found the book! I raced home and devoured it in two days. "Okay," I told myself. "This time for reals we're going to read the werewolf book, even if the main character is so overwhelmingly preppy I feel like stabbing her in the eye with a fork. I will be reasonable and restrain myself, for the third and final book of the Gemma Doyle trilogy is, alas, only out in hardback!" I read a few more pages of "The Accidental Werewolf". I searched the internet for a release date for a paperback copy of the third Gemma Doyle book, "The Sweet Far Thing". There was none. This meant that the release date was so far in the future that they didn't even know it yet.
I panicked. "Mother! Thither we must fly to the nearest bookstore! Make all haste, we mustn't tarry!"
I tell you, these books own my soul. Not as permanently as the Black Jewels trilogy does, for those books are my soul, but still they are a new obsession of mine! I don't understand why more people aren't crazed for them. It has that potential for wild popularity, like "Twilight" does, but it's far more well written than "Twilight".
I am totally in love with Kartik, the smexy guardian/sexual-tension-igniter/Rakshana dude. But Kartik in the third book.. IS PISSING ME THE HELL OFF. Why is he so bitchy and MEAN all of a sudden?! The second book left off with such lovely prospects! And now he's all, "GR! Leave me alone to man-PMS and mayhap even LEAVE FOR EVER." Where has the sexual tension gone?! WHERE HAS MY BELOVED KARTIK GONE?!
I can tell you right now that there will be no sleep tonight until he STOPS HIS BITCHINESS. That is how I deal with things like this in books - I refuse to believe it and keep reading until it either FIXES ITSELF or the book ends.