"time to say goodbye"

Oct 15, 2007 21:41

so, first off, i have to say that reading days (our fall break up here) was quite wonderful. though i ended up being a little stressed at the end because of doing absolutely no catching up on homework, it was more than worth it. There was salsa dancing in the square, and though I didn't dance as much as i expected, i still had a wonderful time hanging out with friends and even some professors. Also, I went to my first drive-in movie with Evan, and it was such an amazing time! we didn't get home until 5:30am, but i'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. oh my gosh, i love my boyfriend!

This past weekend (Homecoming), Nick came to say goodbye. He stayed for two nights at my place, just hanging out... not really doing anything significant - just talking, eating lunch out on Stine Lake, and watching movies. He made me a wonderful dinner, and we just kinda chilled (especially as i spent the majority of last night studying like a beast for one of my midterms). I don't think it's really hit me that he's truly going to be gone for 2 1/2 years in the peace corps. I'll have gone abroad, had my senior recital, and either be in grad school or pursuing my profession by the time he gets back. I got a little misty-eyed after he walked through the doors out of Schmucker, but I'm sure I'll have my cry-out sooner or later when it finally smacks me in the face that one of my best friends from college will no longer physically be in my life for a long, long time. I'm going to miss him more than I can really comprehend right now.

This weekend is Family weekend, and I'm really excited to see my parents again, go to all of the performances and shows, and just relax. Again, i know my work will slightly suffer, but I'm really just excited to spend time with my family. I'm starting to crave more and more of them, now that I know I may be abroad and completely away from them for a semester.

In other news, I have some sort of viral thing festering in my throat. it's very annoying. c'est la vie. off to homework!
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