ah, life

Sep 21, 2007 14:34

Well, this past month has been quite insane! I've been working tons, but really loving my classes and TA-ing theory again. I'm in German 101 (to prep me for abroad next semester), Vocal Lit & Diction (because my french and german suck), Music History 314 (yay classical & romantic), and Religion 205 (totally changed my life... awesomeness). So, I'm also massively involved in lots of other stuff too: Newman secretary, retreat leader, work study and TA, Camerata, GCC, WME, SAI (woot! I just got my bid!), CMC, and a few other things. My voice lessons are going really well, and though my pieces are very difficult this semester, they really are exquisite. One of them I'm really falling in love with, though when I tried to read through the music the first time, I almost laughed out loud because I thought my teacher was joking. Then, I was almost in tears by the end - the story is just beautifully heartbreaking/warming. My gosh. http://www.macjams.com/song/16918 in case you wanted to at least hear it, but it really isn't complete without seeing it staged with Toby.

I turn 21 on Tuesday... Crazy, eh? yeah, well... I'm old now. Evan and I have also been dating for 6 months! yay for us! :D okei dokie.... those are the big things to tell. I spose i'll update again when i find some time and actually have news to tell!
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