Sometimes the hardest thing to do is ...breathe

Jan 03, 2005 02:36

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
**Silent tears roll down my cheek**

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
I ...have so much hurt inside... its drowning me

glo wyrm says:
**kisses the tears off of your face**

glo wyrm says:
just hold on to me my love, i am a strong swimmer,  there is so little time you must last untill we can be together and i can truely worship you with my love and joy at having you in my life...

glo wyrm says:
i want to fill you with my love flooding you with it till you over flow, i want to fill you so full of my love that there isn't any more room for any sadness.

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
Neacail... I love you with all my heart... I'm holding on for you but tonight... theres a blackness... a lonelyness here in my heart... that is here to kill me...

glo wyrm says:
i am here for you all night love

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
I'm so scared... so lonely... please help me

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
**Crys harder**

glo wyrm says:
oh no honey.  what is wrong  **hold his misty close wanting to do anything he can to bring her sweet smile to her face**

glo wyrm says:
i am here for you love, i am here to do anything in my power for you.

glo wyrm says:
i won't leave this computer for a moment as long as you are on.

glo wyrm says:

glo wyrm says:
misty what is wrong?

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
**Kisses your lips**

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
Neacail... I'm sorry I'm so broken

glo wyrm says:
don't ever be sorry

glo wyrm says:
i love you

glo wyrm says:
more than i have ever or can ever love anything else in the world

glo wyrm says:
i love you for what you are, it doesn't matter if you are broken

glo wyrm says:
i still love you

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
I'm going to tell you what I'm feeling...

glo wyrm says:
i want to be able to help you feel better in life, but even if you are miserable and sad every day i will still be here for you loving you, holding you close, and doing anything i can to bring a smile to your face

glo wyrm says:
please do

glo wyrm says:
please tell me what you are feeling, i promis i will do my best to understand, i really do want to understand.

glo wyrm says:

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
3 years is a long time to be with a person... I feel so hurt inside because of all the lies she told me... Neacail... she and I talked 8 or more hours every day... every day for 3 years...  she said she loved me... we played games together...  she told me she would move in after college...  I was so happy... I felt so happy...  but she took it away from me... she

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
ripped me apart... she left me to die in blood covered shards of glass...

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:

glo wyrm says:
not because of anything wrong with you...

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
Why did she hurt me

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
She came into my heart promising to love me then she slits me and slits me till i'm covered in blood

Misty the Cherokee Princess says:
and I die more each day

glo wyrm says:
oh misty.

glo wyrm says:
please hold on for me.  i feel blessed already that you have let me into your heart already knowing how hard it is to trust anyone after being betrayed and crushed like that.  i can't know why she hurt you because i never knew her.  the only reason that i can see is that she is a stupid and faulted human who was too busy thinking about herself and her own personal gains to notice that she had the most wonderfull person in the world

glo wyrm says:
i just want to be able to live with you as soon as posable.  so that my every moment can be you.  no posable way for any secrets of any sort.  not because i would wnat to have any secrets from you, but because i want you to be able to be absolutely sure that i will never hurt you...

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