yummy weekend!

Feb 13, 2006 10:51

[EDIT]X_X it let me post finally.............

OMG! THIS WEEKEND WAS GREAT!!!!!!!!!! On friday I got to leave school early, because there was no heat or water in the buildings. Then I get home and not only was my REAL Vivi necklace (not the fake I got on ebay the one I proudly splerged on hervia for) on the door step but the rain stoped and ....................

IT WAS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG IT NEVER SNOWS IN MEMPHIS!!! I was SO happy! So I dressed loli (meta skirt, meta bloomers, fave red coat and a pretty blouse) and cherryxarsenic came over and took piccies. She took a while to walk over to my house(she lives a cross the street). She was walking down and I yelled "c'mon! I am freezing my bloomers off!" Jeremy and cat both looked at me crazy and said "you arent wearing any bloomers!" so I yanked up my skirt and flashed my bloomers LOL. It was very funny.....

I went inside and got in some jeans and we had a hillarious snow ball fight! It was great! accept Jeremy cheated and put his cold ass hands on my back when I was in attack mode... lol.

Sat me and Jeremy went shopping, went to eat, and then met mom up and.......... GOT MY NEW SURGER!!!!!!!!! Juki has been AVENGED!!! It works MUCH diffrently than my last one so I still have no Idea how to use the damn thing and have already broken the needles....lol so I am working on that.
then we hung out with cat and her band of peeps that was fun ^_~. Jeremy got me some FAB tennis shoes(OMG I NOW OWN A PAIR OF FLAT SHOES.... no seriously that is my first pair in a LONG time...). and on sunday we went to the uni rec center and worked out for close to 3 hours and the ate at wild oats. I realy enjoyed it! I feel great! I want to work out much more now. *dusts off treadmill and stationary bike* ^_~ I REALLY need to get an ipod or some sort of MP3 player.... gir or I am gonna flip...I need to stor ALL of my music in one place so I dont have to burn MORE cd's... my room is like the CD graveyard.....

I have ordered the red shoeies (the first pair) and a meta totebag (I couldnt resist!) so I am going to be waiting for those! YAY! I am getting ready to order another pair of double decker shoes YAY! *sigh* and no one has bid for the new skirt. so I am going to make alot more to sell with it. I am still waiting on:
-BxW meta set
-westwood tshirt
-meta order (shoes and tote)
-sevral trades
-a letter from Alexia
-Salem's gift
-my new eyepatch ^_*
-payment from stupid c.com bitch

A while back I entered a Konamix (konami) DDR love contest and lowe and behold! I got DDR armwarmer thingys!!!!!!!!! YAY! I WON SOMETHING! I never win something!!!
thanks konami you know I love you (YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH BOY!)
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