..this is the start of something new..

Feb 11, 2005 22:01

yesterday was the worst day ever.i was so close to crying and i was really pissed off. i should have just talked about it, but i was so mad that i just ended up coming off bitchy. that in turn put ben in a bad mood and pretty much made his day crappy too..sorry ben. :/ but i saw a high-speed chase on US1 and i saw the black guy driving the car and everything. it was so exciting. nancy took me home and we had a good little talk. today was so much better, until John started talking to me more about yesterdays incident. but soon i got over it, and realized he's not even worth getting mad over. tommorow is dinner on the diamond and idk what afterward. it should be pretty dern exciting, i think! i went shopping tonight with nicole and i got a whole bunch of stuff so that was pretty fricken awesome.

time for bed! sweet dreams everyone! :)

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