if you just walked away, what could I really say?

Jul 27, 2013 04:36

....Would it matter anyway?

Had my first anxiety attack yesterday since October 1st. Not my proudest moment. I shouldn't let things or people get the chance to get me to that point. In the last 2 days I've realized why I stopped letting people get close to me. Why I don't go around trying to make friends. Why I don't trust easily. People are pieces of shit. No matter how good you are to someone... regardless if you are there when they need you or not.. they are going to turn around and treat you like you are nothing.
Decided to remove a lot of unnecessary people from my life yesterday. I'm tired of superficial people and endless amounts of bullshit. I'll keep the people around who are actually worth my time, most whom have been worth that time for a long time. People who wont just walk out of my life without some sort of fight. Those are the people I'm willing to fight for.
If I could go back a month ago... I'd change a handful of decisions. Why must I always learn the hard way? Now I have to pick up the pieces and clean up my own mess. Always... never fails.

I'm sorry for being a shitty person the last few weeks. I'll find a way to make it up to you somehow, even if it kills me. Love ya.
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