there's your update brad! lol.

Sep 07, 2006 20:08

Well i've been basically demanded to update this thing thanks to Brad, haha. Hmm.. where to start.
On my check list of thinks.. I have completed them all.
  • A.) I found my homecoming dress. It's blue, sparkly, and well in my opinion gorgeous.
  • Now i just need to find a "date". Hmm...
  • B.) LP days was a fun. Hung out with a variety of people, some new, some old, and some i just plain out haven't talked to in ages.
  • It definately wasn't the same without Mr. Bonikowski there, but it was still all in all fun. It rained everyday, but it seemed to clear up come night time when everyone went.
  • C.) I babysat a few times here and there. Made some money =). Spent it on stuff i needed for school (aka - make-up, nail polish, hair spray, haha). Yeah.. i'm lame.
  • D.) I did do more school shopping. I got 3 new pairs of shoes, a hoodie from AE, and some other stuff. =) I think this is the most pleased i've been with my clothes for school like.. ever.
  • E.) I got my school schedule. It doesn't exactly matter now, but here it is as follows:
    • 1st hour - Economics - Boller
    • 2nd hour - Geometry - Guerriero
    • 3rd hour - Spanish - Borowicz
    • 4th hour - Biology - Blake
    • 5th hour - Marketing - D. Smith
      • I have this class with Kirstie =D =P
    • 6th hour - English 10 - Keast.
On the note of school... It's not as bad as I had expected. There's ALOT of freshmen; ALOT being an understatement. Definately alot more then last year, or at least it seems that way to me. You don't really pay attention to them much though, and by that i mean you can't really tell which ones are freshman.. you just don't know who they are, lol.  Oh and i'm a little upset about lunches though. I finally see Adam today.. on MY way to lunch.. he was going to class. Which obviously goes to show he does not have lunch with me =(. I'm definately not used to it, lol. Neither does Gorman, but i'm currently working on a plan to convince him to A.) Either beg and plead to get his switched (he already attempted) or B.) SKIP 4th hour occassionally =) =P haha. Let's see, today though was my first lunch of the year. I sat with Kirstie, AJ, Patrick, Mike, Cody, Brittney, Bethany, and some other kids. Let's just say.. the FILLING of the table still hasn't changed. Everyones packed into it, haha. =)

As for the way things are going with friendships. I've been hanging out with Brad quite a bit. We've gotten alot closer lately, and i wouldn't change it. I feel like i can talk to him about anything and he wont freak out on me, or think different of me. Me and Steph have been hanging out a bit too. Along with Katie and Coley =). I love them, lol. As of last night.. Me and Sam are going to try and work something out here, cause we both realized its the hardest thing for us to not be ANYTHING. I wont lie a part of me misses her alot. I just hope i'm not making a mistake...

I've had a little bit of an obsession with Stone sour lately, lol. I guess i'm getting back more into the "rock scene" I guess you could say? Brad is rubbing off on me, lol.

Well i g2g! I got a letter from Ryan today, and i think i might just go and write him back. Hopefully, lol. Considering i'm still trying to wake up from my 3 hour nap =).

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