(no subject)

Jun 29, 2006 15:49


your name ; Courtney

age ; will be 15 in 7 days =)

birthday ; july 6th

hair color ; brown with blonde-ish highlights

hair length ; medium-long?

height ; 5'2ish

weight ; Enough.. lol

eye color ; blue

any siblings ; Yes

do you get along with your parents ; usually

any pets ; Yessir.. 3 dogs =)


color ; Green, silver, purple, blue, and pink.. haha

movie ; too many.

tv show ; Laguna Beach, The hills, the o.c., and House

kind of music ; Techno/Trance.. but i listen to anything and everything.

season ; Summer and Fall.

holiday ; Halloween.. i love dressing up and going crazy with my hair and make-up. It's like a day of release for me, lol.

accessory ; rings, hair ties make good bracelets, earrings.

type of food ; the edible kind, haha. Prolly anything spicy.

female celebrity ; Idk.. lol

male celebrity ; I have too many =[

subject ; social studies and english

kind of joke ; the funny kind.

icecream ; mint chocolate chip or chocolate chip cookie dough.

cartoon ; South park, lol.

magazine ; Cosmo Girl or Cosmopolitan haha

phrase ; oh gosh.. don't get me started on phrases.

pizza topping ; pepperoni and jalenpenos [sp?]

starbucks drink ; Caramel Latte or Carmel Mochiato

vegetable ; Cucumbers and carrots.

chip ; Hot Cheetos and Tostitos

way to eat popcorn ; At the movies, lol.

fast food place ; Taco Bell.

website ; www.bored.com haha

day of the week ; Friday

baseball player ; Don't have one.. lol

car ; Saturn Ions, Ford Focus, Ford Escape, Mustang GT CONVERTIBLE, oh hell i could go on.

store ; pacsun? haha

mall ; Twelve Oaks, Fairlane, or Briarwood. Southland is good for a place to hang out, lol.. not shop.

thing to wear ; Prolly hoodies. Or flip flops lol

thing to do when bored ; Sit on my computer, lol. Or eat.

cd ; Hmm... my flyleaf cd as of right now

music program ; Winamp

sport to play ; Uhh to play.. maybe soccer or volleyball.

sport to watch ; Football

weather ; vibrant blue sky, sunny, with a slight breeze haha. 8) And not TOO hot.. maybe about 80? :)

toy as a kid ; LIGHT BRIGHT!

age so far ; 14

nickname ; CnC, Court, Core, Cork (haven't been called that in a while), Cc.


righty or lefty ; righty

do you have a screen name ; yes

what is it ; CnC Dynomite09

how did you think of it ; All the credit goes to Miss Kelly Rose Gibbons =)

when did you get it ; A Few months ago.

any hidden talents ; Uhh.. idk? Not really.

do you believe in god ; yeah

how many kids do you want ; 2

boys or girls ; 1 of each

what do you want to be when you grow up ; i don't want to "grow up"; i just want to live.

do you have any cavities ; a few.. maybe like 3?

how do you order your steak ; medium-well

what would you do if you won the lottery ; shit my pants and/or piss myself.

is the glass half empty or half full ; half full

how do you want to die ; i dont want to die <- same.

best feeling in the world ; Being happy and hyper =)

worst feeling in the world ; being completely stressed and/or heartbroken.

number of candles you blew out for your bday ; 14 soon to be 15 =D

any piercings ; ears and both cartilage

any tattoos ; Not at the moment.

are your parents still married ; No.

when do you want to lose your virginity ; Who knows...

did you ever have braces ; Yes.

how long does it take you to get ready ; Depends on the day and where i'm going.

do you chew gum ; uh huh

what do you sing in the shower ; Well.. nothing unless i have my radio on.

how do you sleep ; Good sometimes, lol.

what kind of shampoo do you use ; Herbal or Pantene

how often do you shave [yer legz] ; Usually everyday or every other day.. lol. Once again it depends on what my plans for the day are.

do you drive ; With my permit as of yesterday=)

how many pairs of jeans do you have ; Not enough

what is your biggest pet peeve ; i have many..

what is the best koolaid flavor ; Blue Raspberry lemonade

whats one of your weaknesses ; i'm too sensitive.

what kind of calender do you have ; My cell phone calendar... lol.

what are you addicted to ; Music.

do you play songs over and over again ; I have... many many MANY times.

do you like reading ; When I find a good book i'm actually interested in.

are you a healthy eater ; Not really...lol

is there something on every one of your walls ; Yep.

do you like going out to dinner early or late ; Late.

if you want something done right do you have to do it yourself ; Yes.

how many pillows do you sleep with ; Depends... lol.

how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop ; Idk.. go find out, and then when you do.. tell me =)

where do you want to go on your honeymoon ; Somewhere amazing where i've never been. Maybe europe?

what is the best place to swim ; Wave pool.

do you carry a wallet ; No...

are you gay ; Well.. not today.. haha. No i'm not.

is your natural hair color the one you have now ; Yep.

how do you eat your oreos ; with peanut butter... or sometimes with milk. Depends on how i feel.

what do you sleep in ; pj pants or shorts and a t-shirt,tank, or spaghetti strap.. depends on how hot it is.

is there a computer in your room ; Yep.

do you like milk ; yes

do you have a picture website ; yes

is talk cheap? Usually, lol.

do you wear sunscreen ; Nope... tanning oil;)

do you make a wish at 11:11 ; Lately.. yes.

are your parents strict ; Not as much as they used to be.

do you have chores ; No.

what color is your toothbrush ; Red and white.

::::this or that::::

dr pepper or coke ; Coke

glasses or contacts ; contacts

sit down restaurant or buffet ; buffet!

read the book first or just see the movie ; movie

myspace or facebook ; myspace

go out every night or stay in every night ; go out!

girls or guys ; guys

pillow or blanket ; both, but if i had to choose; blanket.

cold or hot ; not over 85 and not below 40.. so warm? =)

water ski or snow ski ; water.

rap or rock ; both.

smoothie or shake ; Smoothie

chocolate or vanilla ; Vanilla

email or i.m. ; IM

tennis shoe or flip flop ; flip flop

colorful or black and white ; both.

cd or radio ; radio

hot or cute ; cute

text message or call ; text message fer shure.

brownie or cake ; brownie

walking or running ; walking

fast food or home cooked meal ; depends; but probably home cooked.

grass or sand ; sand.

stay up all night or go to bed early ; stay up all night.

cats or dogs ; dogs

boyfriend or mess around buddy ; boyfriend.

movie in the theaters or rent one ; mover in the theaters

real computer or laptop ; computer

beer or liquor ; liquor.

sun or moon ; both

airplane or train ; plane.

book or magazine ; magazine

picture or caption ; picture's worth 1000 words. how's that for a caption!? ;)

gum or mint ; gum

shower or bath ; shower

serious or fun relationship ; both.

rainy or sunny ; sunny.. even though i love rain

keychain or pocket ; pocket

car or suv ; car

north or south ; i'm in between!

real world or road rules ; real world

cheerleading or dance ; dance

tears of joy or sorrow ; joy

cash or credit card ; Either work;)

camping or hotel ; hotel, but i love camping too.

bridge or tunnel ; depends.. lol.

shorts or pants ; pants

mtv or vh1 ; Mtv

vintage or new ; both

::::what is your opinion of.. ::::

reality tv ; I'm not gonna lie.. i absolutely love it.

politics ; Pisses me off alot.

virgins ; Cool Cool

abortion ; im pro choice.

blondes ; are blonde? Some blonde guys are hot.

inter-racial relationships ; Whatever works for you.

prostitution ; Is dirty... but hey.. it happens everyday.

cloning ; Odd, lol.

larry the cable guy ; Omg... love love love him!<3

premaritial sex ; Sure w/e.

eating disorders ; Bad bad bad bad =\

gas prices ; anti-gwb!! LOWER THEM ASAP!

rap ; is good.

paris hilton ; S-L-U-T! =)

myspace ; i love it.

underage drinking ; =) good as long as your not dumb. Just be safe.

threesomes ; Weird...

emo music ; is cool.

cosmopolitan ; i read it.

backstreet boys ; are better then nsync!

homosexuals ; Whatever works for them.

valentines day ; Waste of a day, lol. That is until I have my *special someone*

school ; It's fun, homework sucks, but it's fun.

religion ; Yep.. i'm not religious.. but sure.

death ; Scary... =\

obesity ; Sad =(

downloading music illegally ; Doo da doo O:)

surfers ; Hippies on boards.. Lol.

george w ; Don't even get me started on that subject. =x

operas ; it'd be cool to go to one.

cowboys ; Yeehaw!

austin powers ; Shall we shag now, or shag later? ;)

mcdonalds ; Only good for icecreams, parfaits, and apple pies =)

smoking ; Yucky!

country music ; Good.

mary kate and ashley movies ; Used to love them.. still do. Lol. I'm not gonna lie.

mimes ; Amusing. Me and Kirst used to have a day job at school in 4th hour being numbers =)

mardi gras ; PAR-TAY! =D

jobs ; I need one... soon.

divorce ; Terrible =\

friends with benefits ; Not against it.. cause i've been there. But it's a sticky situation to get into.

celebrities ; are overrated. Try to be a REAL everyday NORMAL human being. They wouldn't survive a day.

art ; love it.

red heads ; I think they have pretty hair, lol.

canada ; When i turn 19;) i think you know where i'm going with that.

computer class ; Workwise.. it sucks. Spare time in that class was always fun though =)

pictures ; i love pictures. I'm a camera whore.

eminem ; is cool

the osbournes ; was funny.

::::have you seen this tv show ::::

that 70s show ; Yes

24 ; no

laguna beach ; Yes

one tree hill ; yes

csi ; Yes

alias ; yes

summerland ; no

real world ; Yes

american idol ; Yes

desperate housewives ; Yes

veronica mars ; yes

sponge bob ; Yes

baywatch ; Yes

the girls next door ; yes

my super sweet 16 ;Yes

sex and the city ; Yes

espn ; No

the simple life ; Yes

::::have you ever::::

drank ; Yes

smoked ; Nope

skipped school ; Yes

gotten car sick ; Yes

passed out ; Yep.

gotten caught ; Not by my parents. Lol

done something illegal ; Yep

been arrested ; Nope

read an entire book in a day ; Yes

snuck into a movie ; Yes

cheated on a test ; Yes

lied about your age ; Yeah.. haha

talked behind someones back ; Yes

been talked about behind your back ; Probably?

snuck out ; Yes

lied to a really close friend ; Yes =\

regretted something ; Yes

cried yourself to sleep ; Yes

watched tv all day ; Yes

wished you were someone else ; Yes

taken a picture naked ; Not NAKED.. maybe half naked... lol

stayed up all night ; Yes

cussed at your parents ; Yes

kept a diary ; Yes

felt psychic ; Yes

gone to a psychic; No

drank so much that you threw up ; Once... it's called drinking on an empty stomach.. bad experience. Fun night.. but bad experience

cried for no reason ; Yes

listened to a song over and over agian ;Yes

broken a bone ; Yep

stolen something ;Yes

quit because you lost ;Yes

messed around with a really close friend ; Yes

used a pickup line ; Not literally trying to pick someone, but screwin around yeah

faked sick ; Yes

written a poem ; Yes

done something you told yourself you would never do ; Yes.....

done something you told someone else you would never do ; Yea....

cut yourself ; No

gone to school drunk ; no

lost something you loved ; Yes

played spin the bottle ; Yep

lapdanced ; Hahaha.. maybe

gotten out of a class because of someone in it ; no

called someone the wrong name ; Yes

gone skinny dipping ; Yes

liked/loved someone who didnt like/love you back ; Yes

felt like you didnt belong ; Yes

thought you were going to die ; Yes

bowled a perfect game ; No =(

hooked up with someone that had a gf/bf ; Yea... lol

flashed ; Yes

chicken fought ; Yes

played monopoly ; Yes

spent hours on myspace ; Yes

been grounded ; Not really lol

gotten into a physical fight ; Not really... lol.

told someone a fake name ; Yes

called the rejection hotline ; HAHA! Yea once cause me and my friend needed a good laugh.. but i've given that number out several times.

cried during a movie ; Yes

eaten an entire pizza ;No

told a lie so much you start to believe it ; I don't think so.

lost a bestfriend ; Yeah...

pretended to like a present ; Yes

painted your room ; Yes

gone iceskating ; Yes.

seen a movie more than once in the theaters ; Mhmmm.

regifted something ; No lmao...I don't think I have.

listened to a song you hate so much that you liked it ; Yes

taken dance lessons ; Yes

laughed so hard you peed ; Yeppers

told a secret you swore not to ; Probably

had rumors spread about you ; Yes

been on tv ; Yes

been on the radio ; Yes

faked an orgasm ; No

failed a grade ; No

baked a cake ; Yes

hooked up with a stranger ; No

won a trophy ; Yep a few

had a job ; No

cheated on a bf/gf ; No

won a bet ; Yes

gone to camp ; Yep

done cocaine ; No

worn sunglasses inside ; Yes

yelled at someone in public ; Yes

attempted suicide ; No

gotten in a fight with someone online ; Yes

cried over someone of the opposite sex ; Yes

been to a concert ; Yes

cried so much you threw up ; Yes

peeled from a sunburn ; Yes

gotten drunk before 12 in the afternoon ; Not yet.. haha

prank called someone ; Yes

taken more pills than it says to on the container ; Uhh well yeah.. but it was motrin, haha.

read a book more than 5 times ; No

told someone you love that you hate them ; Yes

moved ; Yes

::::have you ever kissed someone.. ::::

on the cheek ; Yes

on the lips ; Yes

on their hands ;Yes

in your room ; Yes

in their room ; Yes

of the opposite sex ; Yes

of the same sex ; Yea... haha.

older than you ; Yep

younger than you ; No

with brown hair ; Yes

with blonde hair ; Yes

with a tounge ring ; no

who i truly loved ; Yep

who was drunk ; Yep

while you were drunk ; Yep

that you'd never met before ; no

taller than you ; Yes

shorter than you ; No

who was high ; Yep

in the morning ; Yep

late at night ; Yep

who had a gf/bf ; ......maybe, lol.

while you had a gf/bf ; Uhh.. they were my b/f.

while kissing someone else ; no

who you didnt want to kiss ; Yep

who you've wanted to kiss a really long time ; Yes

right after you've kissed someone else ; Yes... spin the bottle, lol.

while playing spin the bottle ; ^... yeah

while playing truth or dare ; Yep

at school ; no

in a graveyard ; no lol

against a wall ; Yep.. bathroom wall too lmao.

in a movie ; no

in a pool ; Yep

in the dark ; Yep

in a car ; Yep

in the rain ; no

at the end of a date ; nope

that is/was a good friend ; yes

at someone elses house ; Yep

while people were watching ; kinda.. haha.

in a restaurant ; no

naked ; no

at the beach ; no

at midnight on new years ; no

who you met online ; no

at a party ; no

in a hotel ; no

after you snuck out ; yep

::::do you believe in.. ::::

god ; yes

love at first sight ; yes

aliens ; a little.

ghosts ; yes

"practice makes perfect" ; no.. practice makes BETTER

jesus ; yes

wishing at 11:11 ; sometimes.

psychics ; yes

witches ; yes

"money cant buy happiness" ; i believe in that strongly.

premarital sex ; sometimes. yes.

studying ; no

heaven ; yes

hell ; sometimes.. when i've had a bad day i'd like to think i already live there, haha.

calling someone before you come over ; yes

"what they dont know cant hurt them" ; Depends...

lying for a good reason ; eh. sometimes.

mess around buddies ; Been there... bad situation to get yourself in.

a good cry ; yes

"never say never" ; yes

magic ; yes

dragons ; no

unicorns ; no

the tooth fairy ; no

santa claus ; no

the easter bunny ; no

mermaids ; no

karma ; yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes

life on other planets ; sometimes

life after death ; yes

guardian angels ; yes

"everything has a purpose" ; yes

soul mates ; yes

miracles ; yes

"anything can happen" ; yes

wishing on eyelashes ; yes

"sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt
you" ; no... physically maybe not.. but emotionally they can.

religion ; yes

reencarnation ; yes

true love ; yes

::::are these stereotypes true or false.. ::::

all blondes are stupid ; no

all asians are good at math ; no

all mexicans are illegal ; no..lol

all black people like fried chicken ; Haha.. i haven't met one yet.. but no.

all popular people are bitches ; no

all irish people are drunks ; no

all cheerleaders are whores ; no

all arabs are terrorists ; no

::::odd questions ::::

what color are your nails ; natural, lol.

do you chew on your pen caps ; yes

have you ever shot a gun ; no

do you collect coins ; no

are you a stalker ; no

are you stalked ; OH YEAH ;)

do you get headaches a lot ; yes

do you work out ; not really. treadmill, sometimes.

are you suicidal ; no

are you happy right now ; yeah for the most part

do you like grape juice ; Yes.

how big is the universe ; this big {--------} soooo big!

what do you dream about ; everything

what are you scared of ; Life and Death.

do you spend more than an hour looking in the mirror every day ; no

do you have a webcam ; yes

do you enjoy school ; For the most part yes.

do you wish you were older ; sometimes.

do you wish you were younger ; no

have you ever unwrapped a present secretly and then rerapped it ; no

do you label people ; i try not to.

do you get labled ; probably

do you wash your hands a lot ; Not as much as i prolly should. Only when i need to

are you selfish ; Sometimes.

do you lie a lot ; Not really.. but i do sometimes =\

do you shower daily ; yes unless i'm stayin at home and scrubbin

are you annoying ; I can be.

are you a good guesser ; yeah sure

do you make fun of other people ; Not really.. sometimes, lol.

do you have a lot of clothes ; yes.

are you a packrat ; Awah?

did people sign your yearbook ; yes

do your parents like you ; For the most part...

do you have a cell phone ; yes

have you ever gotten it taken away ; Not really... lol

do mesquitos bite you a lot ; yes

do you have picture around your room ; yes

do you like crunchy or puffy cheetos better ; crunchy

what was the best thing you ate today ; Dinner

is your room upstairs or downstairs ; Upstairs

do you have a good sense of direction ; Ask Chelsea Terry.. haha. I got lost in my own city on the 4th of july..

are you smart ; For the most part.

what do you eat your french fries wtih ; ketchup... or if they are from burger king.. then honey mustard

where is heaven ; ^

would you go bungee jumping ; yep.. already have.

what is the best waterpark ; SOAK CITY!

do you like grocery shopping ; yes because i buy what i want, duh!

do you gamble a lot ; don't gamble.

what state is the best ; South Carolina, Nevada, California, or Michigan.

::::your ideal mate.. ::::

hair color : brown

eye color ; Hazel or green.

height ; taller than 5'6-5'7

weight ; Not too heavy.

clothing style ; Whatever.

shy or outgoing ; little of both

happy or depressed ; happy

funny or serious ; both

artistic or athletic ; athletic

complex or simple ; both

certain interests ; music, talking, a little partying =)

::::least favorites ::::

animal ; Anykind of bugs.. lol

actor ; idk.

actress ; paris hilton.. ha

singer ; dunno

number ; idk haha?

color ; shit orange

food ; idk, lol.

fruit ; i dont have a least favorite.. i love fruit

vegetable ; broccoli

candy ; candy cigarettes yuck

candy bar ; them cream filled chocolates

kind of icecream ; coffee or postachio

brand of icecream ; dunno?

fast food place ; mcdonalds

month ; december...

season ; Winter and spring.. allergies suck.

flower ; honeysuckle they smell like ass

tree ; not sure

hair color ; no preference

disney princess ; snow white.

disney villan ; bastard from toy story.

taste ; morning breath <-agrees.

article of clothing ; bra.

kind of music ; i love it all, really.

kind of movie ; documentary

thing to do on the weekends ; be with my friends doing w/e.

tv show ; jimmy neutron.. idk why i hate it.. but i do.

drink ; egg nog

dessert ; i dont have a least favorite, haha.

sport to play ; baseball

sport to watch ; baseball

grade so far ; 4th? haha

holiday ; mlk jr. i admire the man, but im all for equality; there should be no holidays held for one race, that's all<--agree

weekly activity ; WAVE POOL

class ; algebra

time of the day ; mid afternoon probably

::::currently ::::

what time is it ; 8:45 pm (i had to stop and go shopping and stuffs.

what are you hearing ; TBS =) timberwolves at new jersey

smelling ; mom cooking jalenpeno poppers haha.

tasting ; Monster

feeling ; my butt going numb.. haha.

doing ; This and talkin to Rena, Tony, and Ethan on aim

who are you talking to online ; ^--Rena, Tony, and Ethan.

what other websites are you on ; Just this.. lol

are you on the phone ; nope

what room are you in ; my bedroom.

what time is it ; you already asked this.. ass... 8:50 now.

are you cold ; no

are you hot ; a little.

are you bored ; yea

what are you wearing ; tank and sweat pants

are you eating anything ; not at the moment.

are you drinking anything ; monster

what brand of shoes are you wearing ; socks lol.

what are you wishing for ; that i have a good time tomorrow and that plans with brad and whoever else work out for the fireworks.

what are you worried about ; eh..

sad about ; memories.

happy about ; life.

angry about ; nothing at the moment.

confused about ; life

nervous about ; life

::::can you.. ::::

lick your elbow ; no

touch your nose with your tongue ; Yep

fit your fist in your mouth ; Yep

sing well ; Not hardly.. but that doesn't stop me.

write well ; When i want to.

draw well ; eh..im a little rusty haha

make things up easily ; yes

lie well ; yes

stay up all night ; Usually.. not lately though.

stay up for a week ; ALMOST! I ALMOST HAVE!

finish this survey ; i hope!

swim well ; sure :)

type quickly ; yes

talk a lot ; yes

watch tv for hours ; yes

be alone for a long time ; yes

pretend to like people ; yes

memorize things easily ; yes

quote movies ; yes

tell jokes well ; Sometimes

make people think you're* older ; yeah

make people think you're* younger ; yes

juggle ; Almost

::::when was the last time you :::::

took a shower ; Yesterday afternoon haha.

brushed your teeth ; this morning.

ate ; like 2-3 hours ago.

drank non-alcohol ; right now.

drank alcohol ; A few months ago at tims.. DAMN =( I NEED SOME HAHA

took a picture ; last night.

got caught ; doing what?

died your hair ; about a month and a half ago.

lied ; dunno

slept ; up until about 12pm

went swimming ; A few weekends ago =(

got in trouble ; eh? dunno lol

went to the mall ; couple weeks ago?

ate out ; LIke a week or so ago

got drunk ; March.. =(
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