May 24, 2005 10:40
I love it when you extend the courtesy of giving your home phone number out to people at work to call you after hours if they have any problems with their computer that they took home they can call me and I will help them, but then their husband decides to get on the phone and is snippy and thinks they know everything. *ugh* Then again when they're using their "tech lingo" which is obviouslly incorrect and they don't know what the hell they're talking about, I get to shut them down and make them feel like a major idiot. I have found that when people know what I do for a living they try to talk geek with me. First, if im at work all day having to talk geek as it is, im sure as hell not wanting to talk geek when im not at work. Second, half the stuff they're talking about, they don't have any clue as to what does what in a computer, yet they're still rambling on and I end up humoring myself and listen to them talk cause that's all they're doing in the first place and think the whole time they're stupid. Gotta love it.
Oh yeah, hi! Sorry, had to rant. I'm trying to keep myself awake here. I'm trying to take this Friday off so I can possibly go to DC for 4 days. This is a much needed holiday weekend. If I don't end up going to DC, then I plan on sleeping the whole time I'm on vacation. From being stretched between school, work, and apartment hunting, I need to rest. *whew* I never really realize how busy I am until I'm exhausted. I'm never home and I'm always running around somewhere. I've put 2K miles on my car already and I've had it for about a month and a week so far. That's how much I drive. Hopefully when we move into our new apartment it will cut down on the comute time and distance since we're going to be moving to Casselberry which is right down the street from my work anyway.
So i've pretty much planned out my fall semester. It's going to be extreamly hard and I'm going to be so tired and stressed from it, but dammit, I'm tired of being in school. I wanted to graduate in '06 but I had to stop going to school full time so it's been pushed back to '07. This semester I'm just taking College Alg. and Speech, the 2 classes I had to drop last semsester to get this job. For summer B, I'm going to try to take my last hum. class so I don't have to mess with that anymore. So by the summer ends, i'll be done with English and Humanities. Next semester I'm debating if I want to take statistics or just jump into Trig. but I know I want to take Biology 1, Chemistry 1, and Physics 1. Then Spring semester i'll take Biology 2, Chemistry 2, and Physics 2 and probably (depending if I take statistics or not) either Pre Calculus or Trig. Then in the summer I'll take (well try to if they offer it) Organic Chemistry 1 and then another math class. Then the fall I'll take Organic Chemistry 2, another math class, and then micro economics. Spring, bio chemistry 1, macro economics and another math class (hopefully Calculus 3) and then I'll be done! During all of that, I'll also be studying for my PCAT so I can get that out of the way and get the best score on that as possible, but not until I've had at least Chemistry and 1 Calculus class so I can do really well. Once I have my PCAT certification, I'll start working in the Pharmacy as a pharmacy tech. *whew* I just realized that I'm not going to have a life for the next 2 years!! Haha! Woo Hoo! So note to everybody, if you want to hang out, get drunk, and party, do it now cause I won't be able to till I get into grad school. I'm so excited though about all of this. I'll be the 1st one in my family to actually get through college and actually do something with their life. *sigh* No to mention that I've been able to keep on the honors list at school. The hard part about all of these classes, is that I have to get an A in every one of them if I want to get into UF. I can try for NOVA, but that's the easy way out and I want to go to UF, which is the best Pharmacy school in Florida, not to mention i've always wanted to go to UF ever since I as a little girl. So why not fulfill my dreams here?
OMG, for lunch, I'm going to pass out in my car for an hour, I'm so tired.