Giselle (Enchanted)

Jan 28, 2009 14:36

» NAME: Giselle
» FANDOM: Enchanted
» AGE: Physical 25, Mentally a very naive 16 year old
» GENDER: All female
» ORIENTATION: Asexual, leaning towards heterosexual

» YES: Ask
» MAYBE: Ask
» NO: Ask

» APPEARANCE: Giselle has long strawberry blonde hair, that curls about her face. It's perky and curly, and tends to mimic her own emotions. She has a
very expressive face, and tends to emote with her whole face, using
her eyes and lips the most--she has no ability to hide her emotions;
if she feels it, it's showing on her face.
» PERSONALITY: Giselle is, above all things, light hearted. She
believes in the goodness of all people--her concept of evil is very
limited, and most likely doesn't believe it truly exists. Anyone she
would encounter that was a 'very not nice person,' would most likely
just need a hug and perhaps a cookie to cheer them up. This also means
that she is naïve, and very willing to trust people, regardless how
long she has known them. She has no concept of anger, besides knowing
that people have occasionally been angry in her time--but she's never
seen it first hand. She herself has never felt anger in her life,
either. In the movie she discusses this with Robert--when she actually
does feel angry, she becomes excited--mainly because she has felt a
new emotion for the first time.

She is incredibly cheery and energetic, always flittering about during
the day, feeling the need to spread joy and cheer wherever she goes.
She is also very caring and selfless, and feels no hesitation in
helping people, regardless of their situation or station. If a person
or creature needs help, she will give all of herself to solve
another's problems.

There is no self-consciousness within her--she simply doesn't
understand the concept. She does what feels right and what is moral in
her mind, and doesn't care much if people think she is silly; she's
happy with herself. She also doesn't understand why people get upset
and have negative attitudes--if people just tried to stay cheery,
their lives would be much better. Resourcefulness is another one of
her strong points, and will try to find creative solutions to her

Giselle is also incredibly romantic. She doesn't know what sex is, and
believes that kissing is the best form of love expression. But given
her passion for people and seeing the beauty in people that may
otherwise be ignored, she will most likely be a generous lover once
she understands the concept.


» OOC JOURNAL: boogabooga_xx
» AIM: bettiebloodshed
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