you're rad. let's hug.

Sep 17, 2005 20:13

I've had some happy feelings as of late. I love when people come see me. Especially when they're tired and it's out of their way.

[   :- ) Love you, Andy   ]

I am so happy, I got to see Eric yesterday for a while. I went to the football game at CLC, where he goes, so he was there and we hung out like the whole time. I love him. One of my best guy friends. Ever. :-D

My friend from camp wants to marry me. Hahahaha. I haven't seen him in 2 years. Haven't talked to him in months. He IMs me out of the blue and decides we're getting married, and then calls me. We talked for like an hour and a half. It was so fun. I forgot how completely goofy and amazing this kid is. (For you two camp kids who know what I'm talking about, it's Ryan Skelly) So that was another highlight.

Yet somehow I still manage to feel down.

All I do is work this weekend. Tomorrow I work from 1 to close. Please, come see me.

Today after work my momma took me to the mall to look for HC dresses. All we had time to do was go into, Carsons I think it was, lol, I don't even know. But anyways, I tried on like God knows how many dresses, and I couldn't find one. There was only one that I even thought about getting. Yeah. So my mom said we'd go to different stores Monday night. Blah.

It's weird thinking about people you don't want to think about. But at the same time you do, I mean, that's why you're thinking about them, right. I duno.

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