Honigzuckerl - honey-candy

Nov 22, 2008 15:06

self made, tasty caramely-honey-candy are amazing and are also very good for a sore throat (honey!)
do yourself the favour and and buy some cold-centrifuged-honey from either a apiarist or some bio-shop and not the stuff you get in the supermarket. because with industrial produced honey you loose a lot of the positive effects of honey.

bigger picture: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v190/Minion8/DSC00181.jpg

by the way, Honigzuckerl is the austrian name for those things, "honig" = honey; "zuckerl" = candy


250 grams sugar
60 grams butter
1 tabelspoon honey

put everythin in a pot (use one without teflon-coating) and cook it till it gets smooth and a golden yellow/light brown colour
take a baking tray put some water on it and spill the suger mass on it
let it cool down a bit and use a knife to put some "lines" so you get some predetermined breaking points ;)
let it cool down more till you can break it into pieces (if you can't get it off the baking tray anymore because its too cold, run some hot water over the underside of the tray)
you are almost done, you got the pretty looking but very sticky honey-caramel-bonbons (Honigzuckerl!) and the will get stuck together, so get some powdered suger
put it in a plastic container (like tupperware) and put the Honigzuckerl in there too, close it up, shake it, open it, and voila - done!

for those who need the warning: while cooking the mass - stirring is very important - you don't really want to know what it is like to get boiling suger on your hands because a bubble exploded! (at least I don't want to know)
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