(no subject)

Aug 02, 2004 18:16

Heii Heii Everybody,
Oki let mii tell you that this journal is friends only because I want to monitor who reads the shit that goes on in my life... you might think that's nothing big but to mii it's HUGE so yea lol. Follow the rules and have a very nice day!

The 6 rules to a healthy, lively, and happy journal! =)

→ Add mii BEFORE you comment
→ Comment to be added.
→ Avoid from using netslang, it mks ur cmnts dfclt 2 rd n ndrstnd. If u r abl 2 rd tz tn ur fcking nts.Use what your english teachers taught your ass please!
→ Respect mii and do not make ugly/rude comments.
→ Please make comments on my entries at one point or another.
→ Do not talk shit about mii or any others they or I do not want to hear it.

Love Always,
MiMi =)