May 29, 2008 08:31
So my baller status was just renewed. I finally got the AUDI in working condition again. The clutch went out about a month ago and the dealer wanted $1,600 to replace it. I know I'm a baller but I don't got that kinda money just layin' around. I ended up getting a sweet racing clutch because I had to replace it anyways (A Southbend Stage II racing clutch to be exact to be used with the OEM flywheel to be exact.). Overall it ended up costing me a total of $720. Eat that AUDI of Downtown L.A.! Now I'm so happy that I have my car and I don't have to use my own strength to roll my windows down again. I mean come on! This is the 21st century people. We shouldn't have to use energy to do anything. I don't know why we even have to wipe our own ass still.
I am officially dubbing this past weekend, "Pay it Forward Weekend". My friend's brother in law helped me out a ton by doing the clutch in my car for a measly $200 instead of the $1,000 in labor that AUDI wanted so I figured I'd pay it forward.
Sam (Same) Carr needed help moving back from SD so I drove out there on Monday for that. We drove out to SD, we loaded up his stuff for about 1/2 an hour and came back. He needed me to ride his streetbike back cuz he only has a motorcycle permit right now. Sweet ride but totally far.
Then I picked up Adam Hill from LAX when he got back from Florida. He kept farting in my car on the way home. It smelled like dead bodies.
Sam paid it forward right back and helped me go out to Palmdale to pick up my car, dirtbike, and van. He was so stoked to drive my van back. He wore this crappy bum hat I found, some aviator sunglasses I had, and blasted country music the whole way home.
Then I helped some beezy from work fix the brakes on her car. Pretty sweet deal. I got a free set of channel locks and dinner out of it.
So, let's keep this thing going. Everyone PAY IT FORWARD. By the way, I thought of this whole concept long ago. Someone stole my idea and made a movie about some lame kid.