
Jan 02, 2004 19:14

hey whats up well im just chillen here in my dads house b0red as hell and just finished eatinq.im such a piq i ate 2 hamburgers then like 3o min later i ate shrip with rice and salad !! what!`lol.`well i leave in like 3 m0re days im so happy but i miss the first day of school =\.o well.`n e ways me and my b0yfriend are d0inq qood.im so happy with him.`well it didnt qet to snow oh well i will see it next year i quess.well how was everyones xmas i qot a few thinqs from my dad like clothes nd a fossil watch i really wanted and i still have to open my presents from my real house with my mom so im happy.oh nd im happii cause imma chill with one of my qrls that i havent chilled with a lonq time nd she's qoin to help mii with my webpaqe nd its qonna lOok hOtt =).:nerd: i have to qo shop for my bestfriends qifts since i qot money and i kn0w wat st0re to qet it from.i miss them nd i kant wait t0 qo out this weekend w/them.:: i need a jOb so i could buy a car and party all night lonq.well jan 18 im qoin to secret@ madhouse with jenny and carlos mabye armand0 nd his qrl who kn0w,but its qoin to mad fun i kant wait.well the school year is endinq and i kant believe it,i have 2 m0re years to qraduate! =).were planninq to do for qraduati0n is probably qoin to disney or somethinq all of us seni0rs which is qoin to be fun and sprinq break is cominq soon and were planninq to stay @ the keys a whole qroup for like the wh0le week.yupy!.um and were planninq to do somethinq for carlos since he qraduates next year! =(.its sad!.w.e br0 new years was qood. it could of been better if i was in miami but w.e i was with my parents nd we drank nd danced so it was qood =).`w/e i have no life here but to play qamecube nd to talk online and i have nothinq m0re to write in my jOurnal bOut.sO im Outies..
`i lOve yOu`bye
michii 'nd chris 12.o9.o3
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