I went on a Cruise (big boat, 4 days, 3 nights, too much ocean...)
I'll post pictures and such later-later.
It was an experience, but I wouldn't go as far as saying, "It was an experience of a lifetime" because then i'd be lying.
But I got to see the sunset for the 1st time. & there's so much beauty in it.
You'd probably tell me I'm crazy, but I wanted to go home after the first day.
Things just got boring. No fun for the kids.
It was more "couple-oriented" than "family-oriented," which sucked.
& I could only stare at the sea for so long, and then I'd get seasick.
& Rich Food sucks.
I hate the Rich Food diet.
I mean, presentation-wise, it's beautiful.
But, fuck man, I'm just trying to eat!
I don't want a piece of tomato and a slice of chicken.
And I'd say I'm an optimistic person.
So I really tried to see the good and beauty in all of this.
I mean, when will I ever get to try Escargo again?
Or.. see the sunset in the middle of the ocean?
All in all, it was just an experience.