Jan 24, 2005 20:21
Life is a weird funny thing throwing you on a roller coaster of twists and turns never knowing what will come next a steep dive into fog a spiral after a spiral after another one or maybe a quick straight run leading to something bigger ocne more. yeah i have been hurt pretty bad i had described it to my friend though as a dark closed door i told her i dont think i was necessarily ready for things now but i like where im at and i guess life wants you to step into the dark and close the door behind you and wait for something to happen
even though it sometimes mean being pushed into the dark then getting hurt and making you run out the door shutting it what seems like forever but one day lets say for boredome sake youll look at that door and be like hmm might as well and you take a deep breath and step in and close the door again and wait in the darkness in your mind hoping that this this right here right now could be a lasting forever thing and not another pain causing another scar. All fun and games in life is not an option sometimes. but its ok cause with what i know now i "try" to forget the past and move on pushing aside the hinderances that stumble me along the way. So this isnt some depressed little journal its far from that, depression doesnt get a person along in life it stops and weakens the person hindering them once more from grasping life. So today well it was a basically ok day, another long monday. Got to write more on my book im closer to finishing my book with the 12 chapters and each day gives me a little more to write about. I miss you Steph soo much sis you seriously need to come down and visit or ill go up there (yeah i wish i dont know how id get out of my house alive lol) well im always here for you love you lots. As for summer it couldnt take any longer to get here but than i guess i should take it back beacause that like having something bad happen and say this day couldnt get possibly worse and it rain on you... lol i 've had it happen hehe. So i will close this journal as i have family down my back about why they need this computer when i say hey get me my own and we wont have this so called problem lol ... yeah ok heh before i go though i do have to realize and accept my all my friends insanity im sorry for all those people that stumbled across them lol *cough cough nick* lol hehe althought they are fun they truly are crazy lol. Well thats all for me at the moment.
Love Always,