Apr 12, 2004 16:47
hmm well i had an okay easter weekend....saturady i hung out with ilana and we went to the mall to get stuff for prom and then we ate at Jason's Deli with some other friends. it was fun bc we all used to always go out to dinner sophomore year and just talk all night...so it was kinda like the old days. :) then yesterday i went to ft. lauderdale to visit family. got home around 6pm and went to Julia's with my sister and hung out with her for a lil. and the rest of my night was spent eating easter candy, watching Lifetime movies and talking to Katie on the tellie until the boys came to her window :) i fell asleep watching some weird sex channel lol and then awake bright and early this morning to the thunder and lightning that i thought was gonna destroy my house. im so bored right now...i feel like a zombie. one thing did get acomplished today tho....im going on a double date on friday! :) yay! so that just about made up for my sucky weekend. tonight im going shopping AGAIN and then watching the Miss America Pageant, haha. talk to ya later!