(no subject)

Jan 02, 2003 21:33

[[ F R I E N D S O N L Y]]

I know my journal has been friends only for awhile. I decided to clean my friend list up because either you don't comment just to check in or comment at all. I am fed up with that sorry. If you want to be added you must...

1: comment me asking to be added. don't just add me because I won't see that you have.

2: comment sometimes. Not all the time cause it's hard but if you don't even comment to say Hi how can you call yourself a "friend"?

3:don't ask for things. I DIDN'T MAKE MY LAYOUT A FRIEND OF MINE DID.

That's it.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I haven't updated in along time. I AM SORRY TO THOSE WHO I HAVE NOT COMMENT TO. I have had a bad year in a way so many things have happen to my family and so I had to be there to support them. I Will try my best to see if I can comment more if I can't don't remove me because I will always check in and comment sometimes. Thanks. Also I am sick and school is starting again so I can't comment that much anymore but I read your updates still. Take care.
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