Hannah you have not liked a different guy every week that gurl just needs to mind her own damn buisness, she is too scared to even leave a name! how pathetic!
ha thanks guys! and ya I know they are and babe evan ya me and him have talked and we are together for awhile this time so you dont know shit and i am verry happy and i really dont care what you think and umm my face looks nothing even close to a donkey and to me you keep doing this shit is just telling me your jelous for some reasona nd i really dont know nor do i care why.. mmk so buhbye now have a nice life being a mean cold heartless bitch ok! and i will live mine being nice and loving to everyone..I think that if you try that you might be a little happier bcs people arnt guna like poeple who are mean and start stuff with other people for no reaosn so ya..byez!
ok you dont know anytihng! me and evan have talked for a long time and thats why we havnt went out sooner we are making it right this time so no he wont and fine go ahead call me a whore but im not bcs i dont hok up with every guy i see but if you are callingmy frind a whore bitch u have anothetr thing sommin she dont do shit to u so back off! god i mean no one did anything to u. do you injoy being a bitch to people! god just stop you need to become a nicer person for real!
Oh ya and by the way WE ARE GOING INTO 8TH GRADE PEOPLE almost highschool ok! time to grow up and stop with the childish games. you cant getby you whole life doing this stuff and not even saying who you are? wow. thats sorta weird dont ya tink. your so brave to say it but lets see you back it up come on itisnt that hard
LuV yAz!
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