Apr 21, 2005 17:42
Kinda just nearly burnt my house down!!!!!!!! I was cookin chickn in the mircrowave and followed 2 instructions as on the box and even put it on the plate tht always goes in the microwave then went in the living room 5 mins l8r went 2 check on the time and there was pure black smoke commin from the microwave and then i opended 2 microwave 2 find tht my plate had kinda explded and i had chicken all up my microwave !!!!!! lol now my WHOLE house stinks of spicy chicken and burning!!! but avent told mum i smashed a plate jst gona tell her chicken explodded but the WHOLE house really stinks!!!!!!!!
NEVER LET ME COOK AGAIN!!! this is the second time i nearly burnt the house down!!!!!!!!!OPPSSSS!!! your all warned!!!!lol