Hello Yello!
It's summer again! Which means, new layout & new FO banner (original image credited to
Tiffany)! *excited*
Although i'd love to write a long entry to make up for my absences, i think yall will have to wait :P I will though update you with quick(?) facts
1.Miho & Natsumi officially left the US to go abck to Japan. *( I won't have anymore a japanse roomate and two great friends to watch anime ith me and practice Japanese :( It is sad. But i am glad that life brought them to me, and that we became sch good friends. I promised to go visit them in Japan as soon as i have money and i can't wait for that day to come! :) Good thing there's skype, right? *Hate goodbyes*
2.May 20, 2010. Cameroon celebrated 50 years of independence. I mean i am so proud to be Cameroonian. yes my country is not perfect. yes it is corrupted. Yes it is not developped. But it's people, it's traditions and culture are amazing. Cameroon is full of pride and joy. After all, we are the Indomptable LIONS <3
That said, there are few upcoming events such as:
3. I begin work June 7th. I'll be working at the coffee shop and at the International Student Office
4. I'll be taking some MCAT prep-courses this summer.
5. Vivi, Aleks, Brooke & I are planning a roadtrip down to Austin, TX this summer.
6. Monday i'm going back to Oklahoma for the whole summer :( Bummer!
7. I missed you LJ F-list!!!
And before i go to bed, here's a Mixtape by Versus for you to enjoy! (1hr of song)
Versus (The White Panda Mixtape) by