Wow! 5 days without updating! XD
I'm sorry yall, I just couldn't sit down & write. But i have read your entries & i was quite on LJ, just didn't feel like commenting much. Don't worry i'll catch up! ^^
The thing is I have been quite busy building my website & i must say it is Hell! All the coding & wordpress is driving me crazy. I asked this girl Shifaa to explain to me how to embed my wordpress blog into my layout, which she did. She's such a sweetheart. The thing is that it didn't work, so I have to wait for her to get online so she can see where the problem is XD Argh!
& I saw the next phone I want today!!! :)
My brother told me that he would get me an iPhone once i land in London, & i was like ok, good. I actually wasn't quite excited about it. I know right? What's wrong with me? Everybody will kill me to have that phone & i was like whatever. My american parents have both iPhones, Maria does too. So do Amy, Sarah, Lavanda & G. & So i'm quite used to be around iPhone people. But i don't think i will enjoy it really. So today we went to AT&T and I saw IT! The phone that I want instead of an iPhone! It's the LG Xenon:
Click to view
I want it sooooooooooo bad :)
My borther said he will get me that. So maybe next week i'll go get it ^^ YAY!
& I went to the movie theater yesterday & tonight. I watched "The Proposal" wich was HILARIOUS!!! I can't wait for it to come on DVD. You need to watch it!!! I also watched "Terminator". It was pretty good. Not the OMG movie, but it was watchable lol.
ummm I need to make a list of movies i need to watch. I will do it next time.
Anyways, i am tired. I will come back to you soon, & hopefully i will be able to put my website online soon!