Late Birthday And Friend's Convocation

Jun 11, 2011 15:23

Sorry I've been kind of MIA on my blog for the past week. I've been extremely busy doing so many things at once that I haven't got much time to update and write an entry. I've recorded my first video for my channel last weekend but there were some things I didn't quite like what I said in the video so I wanted to record it again, lol. I'm such a perfectionist that I dislike even the most smallest thing that keeps me away from perfection. But everything else is already done, the music, the pictures, editing and effects. I just need to record the video again and it'll be good to upload. 
 I was planning to record the video again today but it looks very gloomy and dark outside at the moment. 
 I'm hoping the weather would clear up tomorrow!

Anyway, I didn't even get to blog about my birthday celebration that I had last week. I didn't do anything special for it, I just kept it simple and low key with eating dinner out and going for some drinks after.

My outfit that I wore on the evening out for dinner. I know it looks very "beach like" but it was extremely comfortable and cute. I wanted to wear something that was both casual but yet cute as the same time and this was just perfect~

I went to a friend's convocation yesterday and as requested, my friend wanted me to make her a bouquet of lilies that are exactly the same as the ones I made for another friend last year

This time I did everything by myself. Everything from folding the lilies, attaching every single lily on the stem, wrapping them each with 3 layers of different papers, wrapping all the lilies together and tying the bow at the end. Though I have to admit, it was not the best job I have done because I kind of had to rush it. It took me much longer than I have expected to wrap all the lilies and I was running out of time. I actually woke up at 8am yesterday morning to finish making the bouquet because it took much longer than I have expected and I didn't have much time to work on it during the week. So this is what rush wok quality looks like. lol. If only I knew it would take me this long to make everything then I'd have planned out my time more wisely to make it look better.

I don't have any pictures from the convocation this time because I forgot to bring my camera with me when I went out! I was in such a rush to go out that I didn't even wash my hair that day. My hair was all dried, my makeup was done messy, I was just a complete mess! 
LOL. I dedicated all my time to finish making the bouquet of flowers that I didn't have any time at all to make myself look good and presentable. But it was alright. The main and special person on that day wasn't me anyway but my friend! So I guess it didn't matter whether if I look good or not. XD

flowers, birthday, convocation

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