Jul 04, 2010 15:25

I started my summer placement this week on the 28th of June and will be continuing until August 13th.

So far placement is going well. My cooperating teacher is nice and surprisingly young (about the same age as me), the staffs are nice and the daycare centre environment is great. I feel a lot more comfortable in this placement than I did in my last placement that I never got to finish. Probably because of the fact that my cooperating teacher is much younger this time. Not saying that it's a "bad" thing working with older people, but you just feel more comfortable and "connect" better when you're working with people of the same age as you. There's just less of that intimidation and you just feel more at ease.

The kids are great as well. Some seem to be reluctant when I try to help them or "play" with them, but I know that's normal at their age of being a toddler when all they do is say "NO!" to everything. 
 But I'm actually getting new kids next week because 5 in the room are going to the preschool room. Hopefully I'll be able to connect better with the "newer" kids.

Aside from that, I've been extremely tired! I'm so glad that I get a long weekend this week because of Canada's Day so the daycare was closed on Thursday and Friday. I've been going to bed SUPER early that I'm already tired by 9pm. 
 And just when I thought I could catch up on some sleep during the long weekend, I've been waking up at 6/7am automatically everyday because my sleep schedule has been accustomed to waking up early. 
Soooooo glad that I'm doing 10-6pm shifts this coming week so I can at least sleep in for a bit.

Anyway, enough about my placement because I find it "boring" to blog about. Let's move on to what I did for the long weekend!

Went out shopping on Friday and bought a new blue plaid top from Garage Clothing. I had this 15% off next purchase coupon when I bought a pair of shorts from Garage about a month ago and it is expiring soon so I wanted to use it. I also got another 15% off coupon with this purchase but there isnt' really anything that I want to get from there. Maybe I'll use the new coupon to to buy some basic tanks since I'm lacking some.

Cellphone mascot change for the summer on Canada's Day. I always look forward to the change! I read the new docomo phones, you can actually interact with the mascot pet on the screen...sort of like having a tamagotchi pet? OMG! Who still remembers the tamagotchi computer pets? I still remember when I had my very first one and I would take it with me to EVERYWHERE I go. LOL! I can't really do much with mine because it just does stuff on its own. I kind of wish I could interact with mine so that it could at least keep me busy while I'm on the train. XD

On Canada's Day, I went down to CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) to see Gallen Lo (羅嘉良) as the guest for Chin Picnic. I had nothing much better to do and since CNE is only 15 minutes walk away from my house so I went. Pictures and videos are up on my facebook if you're interested. =)

I went with my mom, my older aunt and one of my mom's friend and her 3 daughters and I have experienced the most AWKWARD situation. Boy, you know you're getting old when you see KIDS growing up! So apparently I used to babysit my mom's friend's oldest daughter when I was about 10/11 years old and when I saw her that day, she is all grown up and is now 15 years old! I actually haven't seen her again since she was like 2 or 3 years old. She barely even remembers me anymore but she told me her mom talks to her about me all the time. LOL! How embarrassing~ 
And we actually added each other on facebook afterwards, haha. It's situations like this when I start to feel REALLY OLD even tthough I know I'm still fairly young.

I also started going biking after dinner at 8:30pm for half an hour just around my neighbourhood. It's so great to go biking after 8:30pm when the sun's going down and there's no HEAT and HUMIDITY.
Just the nice breezy wind blowing at you while you ride down the street is so nice~
 Plus there's also no strong UVs and I won't have to worry about getting a sun tan! I hope to continue this routine until the end of summer.


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