May 01, 2008 14:09

i really just dont even know what to say.  
its like you cant think for yourself. 
you come to me (ME= your best friend of like 8 yrs) with your problems, and i am more than willing to try and help you solve them. Everytime we discuss your issues and i give u advice, u seem to be so empowered afterwards, like youre ready to fight your battles and actually put a foot down and not let people walk all over you.....then u leave, and the next day when i talk to you asking how you handled the situation, you tell me something like "well we didnt feel like argueing so we just forgot about it." 
BULL-SHIT. more like YOU just decided to 'forget' about it to avoid displeasing a certain someone. Dont you see how unhealthy that is? Not just in a bf/gf type of scenario, but in relationships in general....how can you ever expect change when you just continue to bite your tongue about things? I try time and time again to toughen you up and try to get you to speak your mind about how you feel....i mean, if you can tell ME how youre feeling, why are you afraid to bring it up to the people you date?! If youre trying to be in a relationship with someone, thats something youre SUPPOSED to do! When your bf/gfs have a problem w/ something youve said or done...do they bite their tonges about it? No...cause thats not what relationships are supposed to be like.

I know technically this is none of my business, but the reason it gets to me is because at this point i consider you like one of my sisters. Dont you realize how badly it upsets me to just sit back and watch u get into such F-ed up situations?! and hello?!?! did u not learn anything from being with megan?!! Once the Psycho Flags start going up----GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN! 
im not saying Gil is a psycho---i love Gil. But I also love you, and when it comes to you v.s someone else---guess whose side im taking?
 But you know what, i cant fight your battles--YOU have to.

Not only that, but i feel like you come to me complaining "he said this, he did this" and im just in such shock cuz its not sumthing i would expect from Gil...and its hard on ME bcuz when u tell me these things, i start to dislike him more and more.. i dont want to end up completely hating Gil cuz of all the things u tell me, especially because you tell me how youre so mad and uspet, but then you go back to him and just 'forget' about whatever it was u were mad that he did! HES NEVER GOING TO REALIZE WHAT HES DOING WRONG UNLESS YOU TALK ABOUT IT! ive NEVER had a reason to dislike Gil...until you started dating and telling me all these jerk-off things he says and does.

Now, if the things you tell me are not true at all or you just totally exaggerate everything when you talk to me---guess what, im not around you and Gil, so the only thing i have to go by is YOUR word and what YOU tell me. So if youre just coming to me to complain and exaggerate---then spare me, cuz thats not fair to me and def. not fair to Gil...cuz if hes not doing anything wrong, then im really just disliking him because you tell me bad things.

like yesterday---how can you come over all upset with a "fuck THIS" attitude, talking about how he said that he was "sexually frustrated" after you told him that you really werent in the mood to have sex, but he tried to put it in anyways and it wouldnt work.

was that a lie?!?!? or do you just purposely leave important details OUT of your stories when you tell them to me? 
So then you tell me to talk to him about it, and i do (totally getting on his case to stick up for YOU---basically risking my friendship with Gil) and then i talk to you today and you tell me  "oh, he said it wasnt about sex. so everythings fine. " 
Yeeeeeah cuz that makes COMPLETE sense. He was tryin to fuck you, but it wouldnt work so he at least was nice enough to please you....but because HE didnt get to cum, now hes sexually frustrated. HOW IS THAT NOT ABOUT SEX?!???
 yeah i understand him being upset that you didnt try to return the favor---but he wanted u to return the favor so he could cum...so tell me, how is cum NOT about sex?!?!   
LAURA WE TALKED ABOUT THIS YESTERDAY! and even if u guys hadnt been fooling around and he said he was sexually frustrated...thats still fucked up. WE TALKED ABOUT THIS. YOU WERE A VIRGIN UP UNTIL LIKE 5DAYS AGO. YOU WENT 20 YRS w/o HAVING SEX, AND YOU DECIDED TO HAVE YOUR VERY FIRST TIME EVER WITH GIL, and he has the nerve to say HE'S SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED!?

im not saying this makes him a horrible person...but obviously he just DOESNT GET IT...but he WONT GET IT unless you SAY TO HIM  "look, no matter WHAT your excuse is for saying that---it was a JERK-OFF thing to say. etc.."

i just dont get it. all i know is, I want to be friends with you. i want you to have a really long and happy relationship with Gil. but i want you TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF! you obviously have opinions and feelings..so express them!! Gil is your bf...you are his gf. Knowing Gil, i feel that if you would just talk about what YOU WANT AND FEEL---he will understand and work with you!! HES NOT MEGAN! so you can stop biting your tongue and giving up! 
Also, about this whole Smoking thing: i really think you shouldnt smoke anymore ever---just because it will eliminate this entire problem. You say you WANT to smoke, but HE doesnt want you to and told u that if u do smoke then he will basically act like a jerk to you. 
First of all, this 'issue' shouldnt even be that serious.  Second of all, did you not make an agreement to talk about the issue in 2 weeks? ok yeah part of the agreement was that u wouldnt smoke--and you did...but then u tell me "he confiscated the rest of it and im not allowed to for 2 more weeks"....ummmm, Since when did Gil become your father? he CONFISCATED IT?!? thats like what Jason did with my CELL PHONE! and even when he did that, i went right in the motherfuckin toilet and tried to save my phone-- i just wasnt so lucky.
I mean, yeah its yur fault that you broke the agreement---but YOURE 20 YRS OLD> U KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING...aaand then you basically let your bf "ground you" for it. What you SHOULD HAVE DONE, is say "Look---i dont want to ignore this for 2weeks, i want to discuss it NOW and come to a compomise."   im not encoraging you to start arguments or yell at him---but just OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SPEAK UP! Cuz all thats happened now is that u '"arent ALLOWED" to smoke for 2 more weeks......and even then, do u honestly think he's going to let you smoke once the two weeks are up? uuuuh NO---you both are going to just keep putting it off for 2 more weeks until eventually youll just forget about it. Which, of course, is exactly what Gil wants.................what Gil wants. 
Where is the compromise? What does Laura get out of it?

AND HONESTLY--the 'banning the weed' thing, im still convinced its really against me....cuz if Gil is so worried about what youre putting into your body, then why does he let you DRINK ..AND DRIVE?! why does he let you SMOKE CIGARETTES?! both of those things are WAY WORSE FOR LAURA than sitting in Sam's apartment smoking a blunt. 
and if he disagrees then tell him to fucking Google it and see which one out of those 3 results in more DEATHS. 
But noooo, its ok for laura to fill her lungs with tar and holes from Parliments, and to erode/blacken her liver and kidneys from drinking alcohol, and to risk potential DEATH by drinking and driving.......but SMOKING AT HOME WITH SAMANTHA IS COMPLETELY FORBIDDEN AND TABOO.
like--fo real fo real...WHAT THE FUCK?

im truely hoping that u realize how serious i am when i say all of this could potentially ruin our friendship....and its all because you wont stand up for yourself. You just listen to the first thing everyone else tells you, and go with it. DONT DO THAT. even with everything Im saying right now---I DONT WANT YOU TO JUST BE LIKE "ok ill do it becuase i dont want Sam to be mad"....No--i want you to WANT to do it for yourself. I want you NOT to NEED ANYBODY! i want you to be able to stand on your own two feet and not rely on others to  make u happy. be INDEPENDENT.. 
why do you think our relationship is so strong and lasting?  its becuase we tell eachother basically everything! every emotion, every feeling, everything we're ashamed to admit..we TELL EACHOTHER! its because we are on a whole different Level of communication! we arent scared  to speak our minds to eachother, and THATS whats made us last so long as friends.....dont u think the same communication will be beneficial for your relationships? It most definately will.... 
i dont want to lose you as my friend, but i really cant deal with hearing about your bf problems if you wont heed my advice.

its like youre a bird flying around with a thorn in its wing, and complaining that when the air hits you, youre wing hurts---but you keep on flying and complaining about it. And im on the ground telling you to take a break from flying for a second and take the thorn out! but instead you just keep on flying in pain..lol. Now, i can either be a dumbass and stand there telling you over and over what you can do to fix the problem, or i can just walk away and leave you to deal with it yourself.   Well, ive already tried telling you over and over how you should fix the problem,...what else is left for me to do but walk away?

Personally, i really feel like you shouldnt be in a relationship right now PERIOD. becuase its WAAY too soon after your last disaster, and honestly, you needed way more time to be by yourself to figure out how to be a stronger person before you just jumped into a new relationship. Cause by doing that, youre just carrying the old laura right on over into this NEW thing. and if you dont do something about YOURSELF, then guess what? a couple yrs down the road i garantee that i get a call from you asking me to come along for the ride while you go and pick up your stuff from your crazy ex. Hopefully we last as friends, and ill be there to help you dump trash in his mailbox.
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