Jun 15, 2010 20:11
I did something quite fun today, which was also an armor-polishing Good Deed, and was rewarded with the most delicious apple juice ever. The better reward, however, was getting to meet a genuinely nice guy. He's smart (I have my priorities), friendly, seems well-adjusted and has an appealing sort of idealism. Also, wonder of wonders, he neither pulled the, "gee, where did my pants go?" maneuver nor made a single obscene suggestion, all afternoon. A real, live gentleman, in this day and age! I was deeply impressed, and made a sadly half-assed attempt to convey my appreciation for his being a decent kind of guy, which I am pretty sure ended up making me sound like Miss Predatory Slutbomb 2010. Hence my subject line above... *headdesk* He kind of went O.O and I felt bad, so I dropped it instead of trying to save my reputation by explaining that I don't go looking to hook up with guys off the internet, the most recent few just turned out to be jerks in person.
Anyway, what I did was help him clean out his old office, which like everything in NW Portland, is overpriced and under-maintained. It was kind of a nice change of pace, and his partners are pretty cool, too. But ye gods, the bathroom was a disaster! It looked like it was last painted a few centuries ago, and the caulking and seals were so poorly done, I am surprised there wasn't a forest of mold. I'll bet whoever installed that bathroom didn't even bother to get permits, because it was such shoddy work it would never have passed inspection. Seriously, people here are so shifty about things like that. So, yeah, I'm really hoping the new place is a vast improvement, because nice people should have nice offices.
Oh, but while I am thinking of nice guys versus disturbing guys, guess who is back again? Creepy internet stalker boy! This kid just does not give up, no matter how many times I block, ban or refuse his friend requests, emails, poetry and general jackassery. What the hell does he want with someone a decade older than he is, anyway? I could understand it if he was particularly mature for his age, or we had a lot in common, or had connected on some level. But none of that is true, he's just a needy, pathetic spaz. A world, a galaxy, a veritable universe of ick.
Finally, I got a really nice surprise when I got home: no disasters or anything put asunder while I was out! Maybe she has calmed down a bit, or maybe she just had a TV day, but I have nothing that needs to be set right tonight, so I can kick back and ponder the mystery of why my foot lives in my mouth.
[EDIT] I have just discovered that Monty Python is showing on IFC! Epic win! Altogether, a lovely day, despite getting soaked to the bone coming home.