Oct 20, 2005 20:08
So, not that much has been happening lately.What else can i say? There is alot on my mind.. but sometimes I just don't like to think about it. Is that so bad? I hope not. I've been thinking about Scott alot. Which is kind of wierd considering he is Jamie's ex.. and my ex is going to marry Jamie. So, do you think that is only far that I get with her ex? Or what? Cause Scott is a really nice guy.. but I just don't know. He isn't what I would think to be a good boyfriend. Although he is really sweet. And he is my friend. But I just don't know. I cause I well just have to talk it out with somebody.. not him though.. but I just don't know.
I'm sick and tired of people talking crap on other people. Everytime I am around my grandmother thats all she does.. just talk talk talk talk talk about my sister in law. And how she doens't do anything around my grandmothers house and how my brother does it all. It gets really annoying after awhile. But I guess right now I am just going to have to deal with it. Or just atleast until my grandma decides she can't live with it anymore.
I guess that is enough for right now..
Jessica Kay