jobs suck

Jul 21, 2005 18:18 i suck at interviews.

i applied for a job at the new ruby tuesday's today, needless to say that went horribly. i can't think off the top of my head and i can't lie for anything. the lady asked me what i thought a good excuse would be for missing work, the good answer would have been to say there isn't a good excuse for missing work but some things u can't control, like death. stupid me...i answered with "um, i guess if ur sick." yes i know, shoot me now. like i said, i can't think off the top of my head and i suck at interviews. thats what i liked about getting the job i have now, i didnt have to go thru that interview/application bullshit. don't think i'll be getting that job over at ruby tuesday's, and if i were too...then yes, miracles do happen and God does love me.

so i came home and my mom helped me type up a resume and a letter and we faxed it to some employment office thats going to fax it over to this other place i'm applying at. anywho..i'm going to go play the sims and then eat cuz i'm hungry.

later bitches
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