It's just me

Apr 05, 2007 23:01

okay I have absolutely no clue how this thing works but here goes nothing. Now that my internet is working again and let's hope it doesn't go down just for me saying it I'll try and do this quick.

Well I've been writing my butt off trying to get both of my fics going but it's extremely tough with a 4 yr old jumping at me every 2 mintues with "Mommy can I watch tv? Mommy I'm hungry, Mommy what are you doing? Mommy Potty, Mommy..MOmmy...MOMMY!!!" lol yay me... FUN! Luckily all Logan wants at the moment is a bottle and he's a happy camper THANK GOD! Well just a little rambling there.. I feel better...well not really but I'll live.

SO now about this LJ I"ve noticed everyone has a really cool page but me. :( Hopefully I get the hang of it soon enough I'm kinda feeling lonely as the LJ retard in the group lol... anyone else in the little dark corner with me? or did everyone just zoom right by and leave me in the dust?

I even took a test that was on Ladyfaith's/ Dooski's entry. As it  turns out I meet Dean in hell, he takes me to a forest where we get married and he tells me I look damn sexy in his shirt. HAH I was so proud dammit I just wanted to post it but turns out yet again I have no clue what I"m doing lol. SO I'll just write it out and hope someone catches it.

I was even going to post what kinda of fae I am but after the little bout of depression and frustration I had over the SN test I just gave up.. *pout*

anyway that's all the rambling I'm doing for tonight.. and a shout out to Femme...My hubby was watching Turistas tonight and girl I couldn't stop thinking of you lol it was like I had this little running commentary in the back of my mind and all that kept popping up was "The covenant and eye candy" LOL!  needless to say the movie was as bad as you said it was. Now if I could just get my hands on "300"

well ciao everyone and goodnight. 
(chapter 8 of swap meet in progress)
(chapter 34 of Into the fire almost done)

- Firesong
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