Nov 16, 2003 14:23
I watched a Romeo and Juliet film my sister: Niav bought. It was set in modern times with the same old speech, I got used to that. But I did not get used to Benvolio with spikey hair, a hawaiian shirt and nothing underneath (Except for trousers of course, I meant on his torso) now normally that would make me (being the flaming homosexual I am) drool, except that, they made Benvolio super-ugly!
And I cannot, I mean CANNOT get used to all the "suave" "graceful" "rhythemful" gunfights. I keep expecting it to go into Matrix bullet time and have Leonardo Dicaprio dodge some bullets...or not *_-.
And last but not least, how is it that the guy playing the Captain Prince is the only person who can actually pull off his lines, eh, maybe it is because I keep expecting Tybalt to say "Suprised to see ME? Mr Montague"
Sweet Evilness
P.S: Lord Montague keeps giving me dirty looks. It inspires me to smash the TV.