Me... ?

Jun 17, 2009 21:38

So, I’m here at my mom’s acupuncture appointment. I made her late :/ But that’s consistent with my low score on conscientiousness in the Big 5 Personality test (or whatever it’s called).

My score was 19%. A low score on conscientiousness indicates that I like to live for the moment and do what feels good now… and my work tends to be careless and disorganized? I don’t know about that latter part because I love to have perfect looking “work”! But I guess you can’t fit the entire description, right? Right. The first part sounds pretty accurate though. So this category is divided into six facets. I scored the highest on self-efficacy… but compared to the rest of the sample that took the test it appears I’m higher than 64% of them in this category. So, it’s my highest but it’s only slightly above average. I should really work on my achievement-striving because it was the lowest at 8%. Hah! Imagine that… a big dreamer that does not strive much. That’s me! Then, cautiousness ranked at 12% and self-discipline at 14%. So, dutifulness came at 31% and orderliness at 52%. This all sounds pretty accurate overall. I saw those results coming. Hmmm… I wonder who got 100% conscientiousness… they would he hella organized and reliable. I wonder if that exists. Not in my world anyway. Yeeeeeah… that person would probably hate me. :/

I scored 10% on neuroticism. Good! It appears the most neurotic I’ll get is via immoderation and anxiety. Immoderation came in at 42%, which was my highest, and anxiety came in at 30%. Although they are my highest I’m still considered low on both of those. My third was 24% in vulnerability (whaaaa??). Then, self-consciousness came in at 21%... anger and depression came in at 7%. My low score on neuroticism indicates that I am exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable (ha ha flap). I do not react with intense emotions, even to situations that most people would describe as stressful. Nice.

Apparently I’m just “average” on my level of agreeableness because I got 47%. Hmmm… I guess I can be too much at times. But whatever I’m me. :p I think I know what brought me down on this. It appears that I scored 3% on modestly. Wow… ha ha. I guess your right Azu. Then, I got 34% on cooperation, 55% on sympathy, 66% on altruism and 76% on trust. But the winner was morality at 83%. To sum it up, this indicates that I have some concern with others’ needs, but, generally, I’m unwilling to sacrifice myself for others. Hmm.

I’m also average on extraversion… I agree with that completely. I am very outgoing and friendly but sometimes I just like to sit back and have “me” time. I don’t need to go out and be in social environments but I can certainly fit in and enjoy it once in a while.  So anyway, my score was 67% for extraversion. Here are the facets from lowest to highest: assertiveness is 12%, excitement-seeking is 22%, activity level is 63%, gregariousness is 75%, friendliness is 91% and last but apparently the most dominant was cheerful at 94%. How appropriate… now I feel like if I were to be something sweet I would be cotton candy… wow. Cheerful? Ha ha ha… that feels lame… but it’s true. I’m always excited about something in life… I kind of get on my own nerves at times. But whatever… I guess it comes with the territory of being optimistic. Yup. Anyway, my average score indicates I am neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. I enjoy times with others but also time alone (I could have told you that).

Finally…. My only high score... because apparently I’m mostly mild or somewhat spicy (if I were a sauce).  Openness ranked at 74% overall. That is barely high… but it’s my highest. So, before I quote the results…my interpretation would be that I am very open-minded to listening, understanding and accepting other people’s opinions but I’m not as open to changing what I believe in. Anyway, the test says that this indicates I enjoy novelty, variety, and change. I am curious, imaginative, and creative. I suppose that’s me.

So this was kind of long but I wanted to really explain the results so that I can better remember them. I apologize in advance if I have hurt your brain or eyes in any fashion or form.
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