Apr 11, 2009 22:50
So, today was interesting mainly because it just was.
I learned today that, my brother makes me hyper no matter what. I can crack up by simply observing my father. Azu is always documenting scriptures in her iPhone. My dog is bipolar. My mom teaches very good lessons about life regardless of whether she is being heard. :) Oooooh!
So, the vigil mass was very good to me. I felt a strong admiration for the beautiful altar... decorated with "azucena's." I was excited that the bishop was there... I snapped a few pictures of him during the bon fire ceremony (what's the formal name? excuse my ignorance).
Due to the fact that we were at the Indian Festival prior to the vigil mass and showed up right at 8:00 PM... we didn't get the best seating. So, we sat in the nose bleed section... uuuuh... I feel like a creepy person saying that. Well, let me rephrase that. We sat in the very back. So, Rudy was afraid we would not get any wine... so sure enough... we didn't. Azu like smelled the wine, I got two drops... and Rudy got one drop. Ooooh! I couldn't help but laugh. I'm bad... everything is funny to me. :/
Ummm... lesson of the day. Hard work pays off... it is what makes you appreciate life.
[imported from facebook]