(no subject)

Feb 20, 2005 01:01

hey there. today i woke up, cleaned, then went to the mall with my love lauren tabron <3

i got 2 shirts from hollister, jeans from gadzooks and 2 belly button rings :) theyre hott! woot

i came home and text someone i care about so much :) i love you so much u have NO idea

then a slept and texted some more. and then went online <3

xox comment

i took this survey frome kellie:

First Name//:  jennifer
Age//: 13 but i turn 14 on march 17 :) hehe woot
Nickname(s)//:  jennie? AND OAF haha
Hair Color//: its supposed to be dark brownish redish with blonde highlights. but the red faded
Eye Color//: blue... how hott haha

Color//: black, pink, bright blue... in that order
Game//: mmm i definetly LOVE the game of life with the little cars <3333 ah
Song//: i have sooo many but im definetly obsessed with since you been gone and get right. <3
Music Video//: get right. omg lol. and over SO much <3 like obsessive
Animal//: kitties and snakes omg i want one soo badly maybe this summer :)
Sport//:  i dont really know? i have fun ice skating and playing basket ball
Country//: canada... o yes, then tabago and bermuda because i love it there so much <3
Movie//: i dont really know? i get amused by many movies lol
Food//: ugh r u kidding me... just food in general is my favorite lmfao.

Best//: rosie is someone i love who understands me so much<3 and i care about kellie with extreme amounts of love. and sabelia. wow.... and a few others <3
Funniest//: hm i dont really know they all make me laugh so
Coolest//: theyre all definetly all cool in my eyes
Kindest//: everyone who cares about me are the kindest kinds of friends... just to take time out of their day to ask who im feeling or what not.
Annoyingest//: im not at liberty to speak of this? omg that was funn to say ha
Dullest//: none... i dont have dull friends... theres always SOMETHING going on lol
Stupidest//: vari. lmfao no offense but shes definetly MY whore!!! get off our corner lmfaooo
Most Intelligent//: hMmmmMM id have to think about that one haha. no i think if they tried theyd all be smart
Athletic//: i dont know?
Helps You Most//: rosie :) just becuz shes like the only one who understands me and i know i can talk to her about anything at all and be myself with her.. and it feels so good to feel like someone knows what ur feeling. also KeLLiE cuz she makes me feel loved. and thats something that helps me through my day SO much.... people dont realize how the tlittle things like that help me SOOO much.
Known The Longest//: jordan. definetly since the day i was born
Relate To Most//: i cant really relate to anybody when i, myself doesnt even know what i have to relate to other ppl. my life is so confusing.
Oldest//: i have NO idea

Boy(Girl)friend//: sadly no
Are you in love right now//:  no
Do you have a crush//: just a little obsessed haha
Do you have a stalker//: i sersoiuly hope not
Do you miss someone right now//: no not really.

At school//: get bored like piss
At home//: be bumish and talk to ppl.
Outside//: i love being outside. but normally when its warmer than like 2 degrees lol. i love how when the trees are grren and there are flowers everywhere and you can just lay on the ground looking up at the clouds... and stars <3
When you first wake up//: try to remember why i woke up in the first place? lol. and think about dreams

Food//:  i hate many foods.
Color//: i love all the colours <3
Hair color//: nothing. theyre all pretty... except maybe like puke greenihs/yellowish/brownish.... ew
Tv show//: Survivor. Wow I hate that show with a huge passion you don't understand
Clothing style//: i dont really hate any clothing style. ppl have their own style and i respect that.... except like amy flaiser trying to be like goth. ew please god help me
Movie//: i dont hate movies. at all lol. they amuse me... even the retarded ones

Are You Happy Right Now//: yes :)
Sad//: nope
Grumpy//: nope for once lol
Annoyed//: nope
Angry//: nopppee
Sick//:  no
Lonely//: yea
Bored//: nope im amused by a convo im having haha

Made your own religion//: well i believe in random things from differnt religions.... so i guess i made my own religion lol.
Written backwards//: yea?
Written your own magazine//: no and i dont think i ever will
Drawn art//: yea yea its funn
Got angry with a game//: mmm ALL the time im so competetive lol
Played Lacrosse//:  yea
Broken a bone//: nope not a one
Dyed your hair//: yup
Put in contacts for no reason//: no? lol i always have a reason
Swam alone//: yea. its soo relaxing i love to be in water <3 ugh i want to be swimming now.

Intelligentence//: i want to delete the ten
Stupidity//: patrick from spongebob LOL
Depress//: is very sad :( i hate to see ppl depressed. but thats quite hipocritical becuz i get depressed too. so does like the whole world.
Blood//: scary
Blue//: sky
Gray//: quiet, aloneness, sadness
Sword//: swordfish!!!
Golf//: happy gilmore
Soccer//: funn to bounce off my wall lol
Yellow//: sun and orangejuice... even though thats orange? lol
Ribbon//: ribbons in your hair

Have a lot of friends//: i dont no? i dont really care about how many friends i have. i care about how much those friends care about me <3 i love you guys
Write good//: yea if i try lol
Eat a lot//: yes... like a pig :-\ lol
Like the day Friday//: yes but i like saturday better :) haha
Like the month December//: ugh yes i love how my family gets together <33 how its amazing. i love the smell of food everywhere and how i get to see my aunt <3 and the "christmas morning dog fight" that i spaz about lol. and i love baking cookies and going sledding on our tiny hill :) i love it so much. but aprils my favorite month :)

(DY)Give good advice//: i try :\
(DY)Talk crap//: sometimes... which is bad.
(DY)Play a lot of games//: yea lol im sucha nerd
(DY)Wear hats//: haha theyre pimp
(DY)like to be outside//: yes... so much. expecially in the rain
(AY) Always mad//: haha yes
(AY) Always happy//: no... who is?
(AY) A good friend//: i dont know? i try 2 b the best i can <3 and give all ive got to go out of my way to be there whenever

Night or day//: night
Snow or Rain//: rain... deinfetly <33 water
Stars or the Moon//: stars
Ocean or Pool//: ocean because i love how pretty it is <3 but id rather SWIM in a pool becuz im scared to swim in the ocean ah im freaked out just thinking about it. *twitch*
Boat or Plane//: plane... definetly. im freaking scared of boats ever since i saw the titanic... no joke im freaking terrified. 
Books or Magazines//: magazines.
Yu-Gi-Oh Cards or Pokemon Cards//: pokemon :) haha
Blonde or Black Hair//: blonde
Green or Blue Eyes//: Blue
Pants or Shorts//: pantses.... but i like to run around nakie ;-) haha shhhh..... joke
Pop or Rock//: i like both. but rock more
Punk or Emo//: either works
Tattoos or Piercings//: piercings
Necklace or Ring//: necklace
Clouds or No Clouds//: big puffy white clouds :)
Art or Literature//: i consider literature art.
Jeans or Baggy Pants//: jeans
Singing or Dancing//: singing <3 my passion
March or May//: march, MY birthday.... ew may, my DADS birthday. god help me i cant wait till he croaks.
Halloween or Christmas//: those are my TWO favorite holidays.... dont make me choose! lol
Coke or Pepsi//: pepsi for sure

kk comment hoes
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