All of my college stuff is officially done! :) I just finished my Emerson essay and sent out the application, along with the Honors Program portion of the app.! I seriously could not be more happy. So many things are getting accomplished during this vacation. I'm not slacking and I really like that about me right now. I'm motivated for the first time since US History kicked my ass last year. :O
Thus far, I have been accepted to Keene, UNH and New England College. We basically told UNH to piss off because they did not offer me enough money. I REALLY REALLY want to hear back from Colby Sawyer and Endicott right now. They would completely ease my mind. Then atleast if I don't get into Emerson, I have two places to fall back on that still rock my socks!
I read The Stranger...for English. That makes me laugh! What a morbid and really depressing book. It makes me want to throw up, really. I got to the end of it and was expecting the main character to actually do something decent with his pathetic life before he died...but NO. He died a big giant jerk and I think he deserved it. The end. I spent $16 bucks on that little mofo too. I probly could have read it in French and been just as disgusted and probly more confused. ;)
Soon Garrett is coming home and that's when more fun can begin! I think we're going to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and do cute couple-like things because I've missed him so much these past few days. The silly boy can never go away again...that's final!
And now for a random epiphany and scary moment I would like to share with those who care:
So went down to the orthodontist's two days ago to get a consult regarding my wisdom teeth. I went in there all brave and stuff expecting to have no wisdom teeth actually in my mouth. My mom only had two and my dad only had one. I was pretty sure I was going to luck out and have none. Well, it turns out that I have left. :( That's not really the big story though. All of you know how queasy and anxious I get when I'm anywhere near a doctor's office...well, me and the nurse started talking about the surgery I'm going to have to have for the tooth and I got really dizzy. I sat down and she gave me some water and everything was fine for a few minutes. Then I was the big tough girl and got up and walked out to the reception room and was standing with my dad so he could finish signing some conscent forms.
I guess I started leaning on him and then all of the sudden he just felt dead weight and my knees began to buckle. I passed out...right there. In front of a ton of people. I guess I was out for about 45 seconds but it felt like the longest sleep I've ever taken. Close to eternity. While I was being revived by a bunch of nurses and doctor-y people I began to see the faces of all my friends and family and everyone who has touched my life. There were so many people I saw, so fast. Laura Wolf was the last one I saw, smiling her amazing, angelic and inspirational smile. When I woke up completely my eyes had the best vision they had ever had since I was about five years old. Everything was so bright and shiny and ...awakening, I guess.
It was in that moment that I realized how everyone is so connected in this world. Humanity is such an amazing thing because we are all bonded together by love. All of the people I care about, care for other people and those people care for others and so on and so forth. Eventually every single person is touched by the love of every individual in this world. I like to believe this and now, I probably always will. That is why it is so difficult for me to say I hate someone or for me to consider someone an enemy. We're all in the same circle, some invinicible circle, never to be broken, tarnished or rusted over by hate.