Mar 08, 2006 17:35
To be mature or not to be. ~Sigh~ is true we are kids only once in a lifetime. Is true we should enjoy oursleves the most as we can. Is true we have the right to be immature. Yes, indeed. But there comes a time when everyone and each of us realizes that what once was is over and we just have to move on. High School years are the last time we can be as imature as hell and not be criticized by society. After that, there's nothing left in front of us but the REAL world. A world in which people don't praise the funny or the "cool", but instead they respect the hardworking and mature individuals who make lots and lots of money. Sadly, in the real world is all about the money. And sorry to break it to ya, but if you intend to be a kid all your life and work as a clown in a circus, your chances of suceeding in such world are close to none. Unless you work in the Cirque Du Soleil or something, immatureness in the real world will lead you nowhere but into failure. But being mature all the time isn't good for us either. If we are too mature, we'll be uptight, rich, bored people who would not enjoy life as we should. And if we are too immature, well, people won't have any respect for us whatsoever, and again, life won't be enjoyable at all, plus we would be poor. There needs to be a balance between matureness & immatureness within ourselves to be happy. A perfect balance will bring us Joy, Respect, and Money. I beleive changing the way we think as we grow up, but never forgetting how we used to think and the emotions we felt, could help us achieve this Perfect Balance. But then again, I'm just a kid, I wouldn't know. ^__^