Feb 09, 2005 16:12
So me and Phylicious are talking again for good....it's kewl...at home waiting for her to come over she can't stay for long it's ash wed? and she has to go to church it's kewl I see her every day anyway so yeah! So that sucks that MUN broke up Phylicia mad a great manager-and Photographer! That's too bad cause I just got a hold of the dude that of could of Replaced danny for there singer but I guess not....oh sexxxy Phylicia is here Ill Update later PEACE
So I hung out with Phylicia for a while....This guy Frank was here cause his sister was going to take him to skewl and I needed a ride Phylicia looked hot and Beautiful like always her little misfits T and a red tie! Oh so adorable! I found what I WAS looking for me and Phylicia will be together soon, oh my god I'M going to have to go to skewl from 8:30 till 3:30 then 4:30 till 9:50 -four days a week for like 2 or 3 months so I can hurry up and graduate....thats going to kill my social life also since I'm goin' to have to get a job for the weekend I need money *money makes the world go round* well actually I do have money but I've been spending running low-Need more Cause I need to get My ticket or gas money so I could go visit Grisel in San Antonio-If I DRIVE OR somebody drives who wants to come-come ON however many people come we could split the gas evenly and it'll be fun to go visit Grisel going out of town Good parties and shit except the one where we got shot at REMEMBER GRISEL THAT TIME YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT JUSTIN DRIVING AROUND W/O HIS GLASSES CAUSE THEY GOT LOST AND YOU WERE HAVING A ASHMA ATTACK AND BELINDA WAS CRYING CAUSE THAT GUY GOT SHOT AND YEAH......BUT ASIDE FROM THAT IT WAS PRETTY KEWL RIGHT??? LOL! COME ON Gabby josh LORE OH WAIT lore's somewhere else well what-ever....I'm going no matter what I love you Phylicia! Grisel tell Robert I said wasuuup nigga! GRISEL now I know your going to be mad but there's this i carry around all the time and apparently one of those times I lost and in there was where I wrote the address and I just realized-so can you give it to me one more time or better yet tell Phylicious and she'll remind or even do it herself when she knows things I have to do it usually more often gets done you know me and procrastination are like best buds and shit we toke it and then forget about everything you know but I love you Grisel....Well I wish all the best (of what) I DONT KNOW BUT iLL WRITE later CATCH YOU ON THE FLIP SIDE! fuck DANNY (BOTH OF THEM)