Last night the power went out. Needless to say, I went berserk. I had no music, no t.v., no NOTHING! And everyone was sleeping. :( Yeah... so... the power came back on around 1am, and I set my alarm, and went to sleep around... mmm... 2, 230am. Well, the power went out again somewhere between then, and 7am, because I didn't wake up until 12pm today, and my clock was blinking again... Yup, slept RIGHT THROUGH my class this morning. Er.. never went :)
So, today was my first day back to work. SO far I love everyone there. They're so friendly. Dee was SO excited to see me :) She gave me a hug and said she missed me SO much. I had a lot of fun tonight, and all my "secretarial" (lol.. ya know, however you spell it.) came back immediately. I got a sucker at the end of the night too... I'm so cool :D
I called Vinny after work.. we were suppose to just chill for a little while. He was at dinner, and ended up calling me sometime between mmmm... me wanting to go to bed, and me actually going to bed. Yeah.. so like... 11 or so? He said he wanted me to come to Crystal's for a little and the three of us would take a walk.. Okay, sure. Well, it's been 2 hours, when he promised to call back in 10 minutes, needless to say, I'm semi aggravated... but at the same time, I'm also worried. I know that neither one of them are "award winning" drivers. Concidering Holly got into an accident tonight, I'm just... worried. Ya know? 'Cause, I know when it rains, it pours.
However, when I was at work tonight, Travis called me and left a message. He sounded semi irritated? But, I really can't tell with him. He's like me, his moods change quickly. I talked to Katy yesterday for 2 hours too, I don't know if I posted that yesterday? Hmm... yeah, we were talking about Pat's death, and I guess her mom had been over at the Hotchkiss' lately, and had seen Pat. I guess he was dating a girl, and something like that. Could be a suicide.. I don't think we'll ever know for sure. I miss him a lot. I guess there was no evidence of him even trying to brake before he hit the wall. That just makes me sick to my stomach... ugh.. can't even write about it anymore. Katy and I were talking about how we want to have a gradeschool reunion.. to see everyone again. Even though Katy and I HATED St. A's, I told her that it was a BIG part of our life and made us who we are. I got a letter from them today, actually. Our reading/religion teacher is retiring. how sad... after 25 years.
I guess I'm gonna get going. Another pathetic night at home. Oh, and I found out Izzy isn't coming home for the summer, she's staying downtown. I feel unloved. :(