Aug 10, 2006 11:14

liz_marcs has a round-up of various responses to the Anti-Gay Gardening Guy.

This one was my favorite and has inspired me to change my nickname:

"I know we won't be buying seeds from them anymore, and that's what it boils down to. The amount of business they lose or gain from this shit will determine their level of tolerance. Depending upon their profit and loss reports, they'll either fly a Christian flag or a Rainbow one. I visited their site just now to see if they were committed to their opinions enough to post it on their pages. Could find nothing at first. I searched their site for the word "gay". Found this: Gayfeather Thickspike. I'm sure it's a flower, though it would be a great name for a queer superhero, or maybe just a high-priced dildo."



Or, ZOMG, an AU where Sawyer is a PORN STAR and portrays a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Native American in a way gay Western and his Apache name is GAYFEATHER THICKSPIKE!

*rolls all over self laughing*
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