+1 art & meme

Jul 09, 2008 14:45

Tagged by meme_chan:

The rules are easy, just post 10 5 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs. Because it is good. Everyone needs a little happiness once in a while. Tag yourselves, you guys. xD

01. My Togainu no Chi: TRUE BLOOD game finished downloading this morning and I played it for like, 3 hours on the PS2 (accidentally(?) because I was just "testing it out" and it ended up being "play time" instead). xD; IT WAS HOT, THOUGH. It's supposedly a "family-friendly-ish" version meaning no hardcore guy-on-guy stuff going on, enough to please teenage girls, apparently, hahaha. *has the actual game on PC, though. err-* >>;

02. I go to the dentist tomorrow to get a check up on my wisdom teeth- I'm actually feeling a lot better since I can chew normally, but I still don't think I'm supposed to be eating hard foods yet. ^^; But at least I can eat normally tomorrow? MM RICE YAY. ♥

03. I posted some art on DeviantArt after forever! You can view it here @ DA or

Photobucket resized it, but it's okay. :D

04. I made myself a new wallpaper last night and I was actually happy with the result. It's a small thing, but I love changing up my desktop. ♥

Click on preview, y? It features Akira from said Togainu no Chi game.

05. I'm actually progressing with my summer reading and I like the book! For once the book they gave us wasn't boring. I actually recommend reading Life of Pi- I mean, with a line like, "...my urine looked delicious!" on page 172 it's bound to be interesting maybe? xD;

Well, that was fun. |D I'm getting hungry again.. it seems that no matter what I eat nowadays it's like my stomach never stops its grumbling.. I wonder if it's because of the sudden change in diet? It's like withdrawl symptoms or something, haha. Then again, it's hard to get full off of pudding, jello, and stuff like that alone. Even after eating soup it still did it, though.. maybe I'm just weird. o_O

togainu no chi, diet, true blood, meme, togainu no chi: true blood, ramblings, wisdom teeth, desktop, wallpaper, random, akira is muy caliente, deviantart, da, art

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