What a coincidence that you were looking at the doll maker thing! I guess procrastinators those with more time on their hands think alike? xD Or maybe it's just us, haha.
And hopefully there isn't a bandaid on your face because someone punched you or something. D: Maybe it just looked cool? It's really cute, though!
Candybar dolls! So cute! I was playing with it just last week, lmao X3;!! Because I started playing a TCG and it was last week's contest.
Here's the one I did years ago.
Why is a bandaid on my face??!
And hopefully there isn't a bandaid on your face because someone punched you or something. D: Maybe it just looked cool? It's really cute, though!
Ahahaha hopefully I didn't get punched. I can't believe I forgot my glasses! What was wrong with me back then?!
Maybe you were just absent-minded that day? xD omg, haha.
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