Nov 16, 2006 04:32
Actually i'm starting to love this journal stuff. Even i'm not a type of person who can feel free to share everything in my heart with the whole world, but I know still there; something that I can share with everyone hehe
I want to make this journal like a journal that every girl can read and enjoy. From gossiping about our fav movie, music and to fashion tip. I think it will be fun if I can make journal that every girl can enjoy and hopefully can be useful too ^^
So everyone feel free to come to my lounge and post anything you like as long as it's not bashing each other…so lets this started hehe
honestly.. I don’t know what to do this morning,…so I end up seeing the black spot in my right knees TT TT
I hate this spot is bring a darker future to me ( plz forgive my over dramatic reaction hehehe),
“can someone tell me how to heal and clean up the black spot that I’ve got after I burned my right knee incidentally with my curly iron ASAP??????”
“Ada yg ga tau obat apa yg paling ampuh buat ngilangin noda item ASAP.ini bener2 buat gw frustasi.”
Ini noda item bener2 disaster buat gw, kyknya gw hrs bil bye2 buat rok mini and celana pendek selama noda item itu belom ilang dari kaki gw.
Gw bingung gmn caranya ya supaya cepat ilang, setidaknya bekasnya jadi lebih tipis jadi ga keliatan bgt kyk skrg.
I don’t have any confident to wear my short and mini skirt anymore before the black spot gone, I just hope the black spot will gone soon at least become more unseen than now.
Btw I think I need Hair make over before New Year
I really need that, my curly hair is starting to live again, I really really hate that TT TT
First I want cut my hair (this Friday at fishie house, anyone feel free to join us hehehe),next I want smoothing my hair and last I want to dye my hair.
The problem is :
1. I’m still confuse about the new hair style (takut kependekan,takut jadi aneh yg lebih parah lg takut ancur )
2. I’m still about the new hair color, honestly I want some darker color than before but fishie told me if you used to dyed your hair with brighter color than you change it to the darker one, it will make your face look flat!!!!!!