I wish time would slow down! I can't believe our shower is today and that our wedding is less than a month a way. Man.
Today is our shower and I thought I'd share the DIY projects Paul and I put together.
First, I made 5 dozen Vegan Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. I used the recipe found in The Chicago Diner Cookbook. Mmm. They turned out buttery tasting. I packaged the cookies myself, using a template I found here:
Flights Of Fancy I bought a Martha Stewart embosser, and woh baby, does that work your hand muscles well. Here are a few photos of my cookies:
Paul worked on putting together a shower game. He made a compilation of 20 Love Songs. We are going to play 30 seconds of each song, and the guests will compete as they struggle to name the artist. (We used songs by people like Frank Sintatra, Billie Holiday, Dean Martin, and he also put some wierd stuff on there that no older person will ever get, such as Wilco and Rufus.) Anyways, the two people who name the most artists correctly, get one these compilations, that include all of the songs from the game:
Now I've got to get-it-together. My nails need some painting.